Fantasy football: DVQ is back to soup up your draft

Welcome one, welcome all — friends, family, fantasy football nuts, Batman fans, pets, Klingons. We’re delighted all (any?) of you are here. 

Allow the Fantasy Madman to introduce the DVQ 4.4. We found a winner with the fourth iteration of the Draft Value Quotient, so there have been only minor tweaks to our formula this season. 

The purpose of the DVQ is to provide a one-number rating system for players across all positions. This is more than just a ranking.

Fantasy Football DVQ Explainer

Hop out of the pool, unpack your vacation suitcase, boot up your laptop and get ready, because fantasy football season is back.

The Fantasy Madman has returned with the latest iteration of his DVQ.

The Draft Value Quotient is a player rating system that assigns one universal number for every player. This value projects the point in the draft at which a player’s projected production will match the estimated draft pick value.

Since there is a wider separation among production at the top, so too is there a wider gap between DVQ values at the top of the rankings.

The player projections takes into account playing time, expected use/touches, coaching tendencies, part performance and injury history. The DVQ measures these projections against a player’s schedule and factors in positional depth and value above replacement.

These ratings are updated regularly.

The DVQ represents the point in the draft at which a player’s projected production meets the expected value of that pick. So if the DVQ for Player X is, say, 34.8, it means he should perform roughly as well as you would expect from the 35th pick in the draft. 

So put the DVQ to work as you go out an enjoy the draft season. 

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