Benjamin Netanyahu calls on America for support: Letters to the Editor — July 26, 2024

The Issue: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress.

In his impassioned and clear-eyed speech before a joint session of Congress, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut to the chase by noting that the Israel-Hamas war represents not a “clash of civilizations” but a clash between “barbarism and civilization” (“Netanyahu Spells Out the Truth,” Editorial, July 25).

Bibi’s call for an “Abraham Alliance” to solidify the successful Abraham Accords chaperoned by the Trump administration makes eminent sense.

But Iran’s many appeasers in the Democratic Party look askance at this Churchillian figure, whom they unjustly choose to crucify as much as former President Donald Trump.

James Hyland


Anyone with a fair and just mindset could not help but be moved by Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

He showed the attendees what a leader looks and acts like.

Shame on the likes of Rep. Rashida Tlaib and the members who boycotted the event (“Protests greet Netanyahu,” July 25).

Due to their radical-left attitudes, they refused to listen.

They didn’t want to hear the truth of what really happened Oct. 7, because it’s in opposition to their narrative.

The likes of these so-called “representatives” should not be allowed to represent America and its people.

Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

Tlaib’s sign at Netanyahu’s speech — which read “War Criminal” — exemplified her childish behavior.

Any middle-schooler would have been asked to leave while displaying this heckling.

The utter disrespect and disregard for the sanctity and gravitas of the chamber is further proof that Tlaib doesn’t appreciate the freedoms she’s afforded in this great nation.

Like Netanyahu said Wednesday, the protesters’ signs like “Gays for Gaza” is like “chickens for KFC.” Israel is the only democracy in the region, and many Arabs are afforded freedoms there that they would not have in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu is no war criminal.

Alyssa Herschberg

Valley Stream

Let’s be perfectly clear, lawmakers work for American citizens. It’s an utter disgrace to see the politicians who made the foolhardy choice to boycott and snub a visiting dignitary, let alone the leader of an important ally.

The behavior of DC lawmakers only helps to normalize and reinforce the actions of the college student protesters.

Ronald G. Frank

West Orange, NJ

I’ve observed Netanyahu since 1995, when he addressed a protest where people called for the death of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin for signing the Oslo Peace accords.

Rabin was ultimately assassinated. Since then, there has not been any meaningful peace plan — on the contrary, Netanyahu has confiscated Palestinian land, a dismal message to Palestinians who aspire to a state.

The Abraham Accords failed because Netanyahu used them as cover to confiscate more Palestinian land, a policy that led to the Oct. 7 attacks.

During his speech to the joint session of Congress, Netanyahu never mentioned a cease-fire.

There is no solution to the conflict as long as Netanyahu is in power.

Carl A. Merz

West Hartford, Conn.

Members of Congress who boycotted Netanyahu’s speech also boycotted Israel and the bipartisan bond between our two nations.

We in Israel aren’t innocent of wrongdoings, yet our strength isn’t driven by tanks and fighter aircraft but by our morals.

Even throughout the intense fighting in Gaza against the terrorists who committed the Oct. 7 atrocities, we’ve done everything we could to minimize civilian casualties.

My division also gave medical treatment to uninvolved Palestinians and secured the American floating aid pier.

The hypocrisy of some legislators, like Rashida Tlaib accusing us of war crimes, is disgraceful.

If they truly wish to end the war, they should advocate for the immediate release of all hostages.

Tomer Saad

IDF Reservist Doctor

Kiryat Ono, Israel

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