Antisemitic, anti-American DC rioters must face more than wrist-slaps

The mask is fully off the “pro-Palestine” protesters after Wednesday’s madness is Washington.

They tore down and burned American flags, putting Palestinian flags in their place.

They spray-painted “Hamas” and “Hamas is coming” on the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain and a Liberty Bell replica.

One sign read: “Allah is gathering all the Zionists for the ‘final solution’.”

They’re flagrantly pro-terrorist, antisemitic and anti-American — and must face more than slaps on the wrists for their crimes, many of them on federal property, such as the Tuesday night swarming of the Cannon House Office Building — including efforts to break into and occupy a congressional office.

Some are just “useful idiots” (as Netanyahu put in his speech, comparing “Gays for Gaza” to “Chickens for KFC”), but others constitute a veritable fifth column, seeking the end of the Republic.

That certainly covers the Antifa types and other hard leftists who turn up at rallies on a range off issues, a major force in turning the 2020 George Floyd demonstrations into riots.

Per Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, signs suggest Iran is covertly helping fund these protests. The left-wing gazillionaires also sending cash ought to think about that: At least show some shame for objectively allying with the “Death to America” folks.

Democrats are now condemning the DC rioters, but surely the White House and Veep Kamala Harris can do more than issue statements to that effect.

Especially as those statements don’t call for consequences, let alone promise action.

Again, we have multiple federal crimes here: Surely it’s time for the FBI to get on the case — it can pull a few agents off its work investigating parents who speak out at school-board meetings and Catholics who seem “too” devout.

As it stands, rioters who’d gotten arrested Wednesday were released the next morning, some going right out to “march” again.

The Harris statement is an improvement from the spring, when the veep was expressing sympathy for the protesters’ cause, and a sign she realizes she won’t win in November if she keeps appeasing the radicals.

But until Harris & Co. start confronting this threat head-on, Americans must suspect that “defending democracy” means nothing more to them than a convenient club for bashing their political opponents.

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