Democrats will show their hatred for Israel when they boycott Netanyahu speech

Democrats yet again will show their disdain for Israel when they boycott Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday.

Consider them the pro-Hamas party.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who is supposed to preside over the Senate, claims she has a scheduling conflict and won’t attend.

Her next-in-line to preside, Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray (D-Wash.), is skipping, too.

Indeed, as many as 100 other Democrats are expected to thumb their noses at the leader of the Jewish state.

Never mind that it’s a key ally and the only truly democracy in the Mideast.

Nor that it’s fighting for its survival against Islamic madmen in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran — and trying to rescue eight US hostages, including the bodies of three who died in the terrorists’ hands.

Ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the invitation to Bibi was “wrong.”

She loves Israel, she insists, but Netanyahu is standing in the way of a “two-state solution,” i.e., the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. He needs to do “what is right” for the Jewish state — or resign.

What bull.

Bibi was democratically elected; Pelosi has no business meddling in Israel’s internal politics.

Plus: Israel’s Knesset just voted by 68-9 that a Palestinian state would “pose an existential danger” to Israel.

That reflects public sentiment: No Israeli government will entertain the “two-state” fantasy of Western elites.

And no wonder: Gaza was essentially an independent state; Hamas ran it — and turned it into a military zone dedicated to attacking Israel.

Its Oct. 7 slaughterfest was the culmination of that woefully misguided statehood experiment.

Sen. Chuck Schumer’s even worse, especially given that he incessantly boasts that he’s Israel’s “guardian” (playing off the meaning of his name in Hebrew).

He, too, has slammed Bibi, demanding Israel hold elections to replace him.

Democrats overall have long trended increasingly Israel-hostile: The 2012 convention floor booed language recognizing Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital.

The last time Bibi addressed Congress, in 2015, nearly 60 Dems boycotted.

Per Gallup, just 35% of Dems today sympathize more with Israel than Palestinians, vs. 80% of Republicans.

The Squad crew regularly tars Israel as “genocidal.”

Even if Democrats disagree with Bibi’s policies (most of them, backed by strong majorities in Israel), they should be standing behind our ally. Not snubbing its leader.

They pretend they’re just dissing Bibi — but it’s really Israel.

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