Anti-Israel protest rages outside consulate in NYC as Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Congress

Dozens of anti-Israel protesters raged against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuoutside the Jewish State’s consulate in Manhattan Wednesday, as Bibi spoke to Congress for the first time since the country’s war with Hamas began.

Fired-up protesters chanted,“Say it loud, say it clear — Bibi is not welcome here!” while holding signs slamming the Israeli leader as “Crime Minister” and demanding a “Ceasefire and Full Hostage Deal Now.”

Other demonstrators called on Netanyahu to step down,chanting, “He will burn the region down, Netanyahu must resign!”

Protesters in Manhattan lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Robert Miller

Netanyahu addressed congress, proclaiming “Israel will not relent.” AFP via Getty Images

The fiery protest came as Bibi told a joint meeting of Congress “Israel will not relent” during a speech on state of Israel’s war with Hamas that began with the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.

“Bibi, as you know, is speaking in Congress, which we think is unfathomable that he was even invited. And we’re calling on our American politicians to reject him,” Noa Fort, co-Organizer for Israeli for Peace, told The Post.

“Make him get a deal. Now. We want the hostages back. We want the destruction and starvation in Gaza to end,” Fort said.

Roughly 35 people gathered on Second Avenue near 43rd Street, where organizers instructed protesters via fliers not to bring flags.

Demonstrators also chanted “Hey hey! Ho Ho! This government has got to go!”  and held signs declaring, “Not one more drop of blood” and “Israelis against the war.”

Bibi’s speech — which dozens of lawmakers, including Vice President Kamala Harris, opted to skip or boycott — also prompted thousands of protesters to flood the streets in Washington DC.

Anti-Israel protesters in Manhattan waved signs declaring “Not one more drop of blood.” Robert Miller

Roughly 35 protesters rallied against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outside the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan. Robert Miller

Protesters dyed some of the city’s fountains red and unleashed maggots at a hotel where members of  Benjamin Netanyahu’s delegation stayed.

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