NFL, players’ association begin discussing 18-game season

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The NFL and NFLPA have had preliminary discussions about expanding the regular season to 18 games, NFLPA executive director Lloyd Howell confirmed to the Washington Post on Tuesday.

“We have talked at a very, very, very high level superficially, with a recognition … about, ‘Yeah, this is something that we should be talking about. And we should really kick the tires and understand what else goes into that decision-making process,’” Howell said.

“Where does the 18th game come from? I think the foregone conclusion is well, you just grab it, like, in what would otherwise be [preseason games] in August. You play it forward. But these are details that really need to be fleshed out. But, again, there are other economic, health and safety matters that also need to be clear to our members before there’s ever an agreement about an 18th game.”

NFLPA executive director Lloyd Howell.
NFLPA executive director Lloyd Howell. Lev Radin/Pacific Press/Shutterstock

An 18-game season would have to be collectively bargained and it remains to be seen what economic demands and other concessions, such as reduced offseason practices, the players would expect in return.

The season previously expanded from 16 games to 17 in 2021.

Questions about adding one more game include how dangerous it would be for players’ bodies, whether the season would start a week earlier or end a week later and if the league might also add a second bye week.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell responds to questions during a news conference after the football league's owners spring meetings Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell responds to questions during a news conference after the football league’s owners spring meetings Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. AP

“Our membership is interested in a myriad of things before we even get to the number of games: health and safety, field surface, OTA makeup, compensation, what percent of their annual compensation is guaranteed,” Howell said. “So there are many things before we get to [the] 18th game. … It’s a negotiable point.

“So it grabs headlines. I totally get that. But what’s the complexion of the 18? How many of the games are now going to be overseas? And where’s overseas? Is it Western Europe? Is it South America, as in this year? Is it in Asia? Australia? These are things that are in the air. And then, to what I think Joe Burrow said, what about the number of bye weeks? Is it two? More than two?”

Burrow, the Bengals’ quarterback, appeared on Barstool’s “Pardon My Take” recently and proposed doing a leaguewide bye during Week 13 for the Pro Bowl, similar to the All-Star break in other sports like the NBA, MLB and NHL.

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