The 2024 Republican National Convention: Letters to the Editor — July 22, 2024

The Issue: The Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last Thursday.

I watched the RNC for all four days and came away very emotional (“Don like you’ve never seen him,” July 19).

When Trump spoke, I felt that I wanted to cry and cheer at the same time. His opening remarks about the attempted assassination on him, it made me tear up and thank God that he is still here.

The rest of the speech was about the unity of all Americans and cooperation between all sides, even if there are disagreements. It struck just the right tone to bring this nation back together.

Richard Ketay

Newark, NJ

The Republican National Convention was inspiring, hopeful and downright patriotic.

Former President Donald Trump as a leader stands head and shoulders above his blathering opponent. The message Thursday night was one of hope, for a chance to return this country to its former greatness.

I am concerned, however, that Trump’s ascension, the attempted assassination and Biden’s decline have backed the Democrats into a corner of desperation.

To hold on to the power they enjoy so much, they might use the nuclear option of replacing President Biden with someone like Michelle Obama.

Robert Mangi

Garden City

The only intelligent thing Trump said Thursday night was: “I shouldn’t be here today.” Meanwhile, Hulk Hogan must have been out of work and needed some chump change for him to have given his speech.

Kreg Ramone


While listening to the so-called Christian conservatives at the RNC, I couldn’t help but wonder if they’re using a different Bible.

I can’t find any place in my Bible where it says, “welcome the stranger, unless they come from any of those ‘s - - t hole’ countries.”

These Republicans have forgotten Exodus 20:3, “You shall have no other gods before me.” Otherwise, I don’t see how they could continue to worship a false prophet like Trump, who is the antithesis of Jesus Christ.

Sharon Austry

Fort Worth, Texas

Trump’s rambling speech was awful and vindictive, filled with misinformation and lies. He implied the 2020 election was stolen, and then said he had the best economy in the history of the United State and the world. It was like a campaign speech.

And he had a stellar group of speakers. Eric Trump was so awful that his father seemed to doze off for a short time. Then a drunk Hulk Hogan dressed perfectly for the occasion.

This is the best the Republican Party can do? If Trump wins this election, it will be a sad, sad time for our country.

Hank DePerro


I tuned in to the RNC to listen to Vivek Ramaswamy, Gov. Ron DeSantis and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (“Old foes all for Don,” July 17).

But, sorry to say, Haley’s speech did not impress me. Ramaswamy and DeSantis spoke very well, and I feel they might have Cabinet positions if the Republicans win in November.

On the other hand, Haley’s speech was not convincing. Perhaps losing her father recently impacted her ability to deliver.

Anant Nagpur

Ottawa, Canada

The RNC was a total waste of time.

Trump’s claims that immigrants are coming from prisons is, as PBS reports, false. As was his claim that he oversaw the best economy in the history of our country.

Sometimes you’d think if Trump was perhaps intoxicated when he gives his speeches. However, that excuses him too much.

Trump is simply used to lying and running his mouth without any need to realize that it’s time to start telling the truth. Trump’s speech gave the opposite of a feeling of unity. It makes me and many other Americans terrified of what is to come.

Arthur Gutman

Great Neck

Ramaswamy, Haley and especially DeSantis gave forceful, persuasive and memorable speeches that were so well said they sometimes brought smiles to Trump’s face.

Jay Roberts


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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