Ex-Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci donated $30K to Joe Biden last month — says he now backs Kamala Harris: ‘She will beat Trump’

Former Trump White House aide Anthony Scaramucci gave $30,000 to President Biden’s now-defunct 2024 presidential campaign last month — and in an exclusive interview with The Post, said he now backs Kamala Harris to use the cash for her own Oval Office bid.

Filings with the Federal Election Committee show that former President Donald Trump’s White House communications director — who lasted just 10 days in the role in 2017 — made the fat donation on June 17.

“I put my money where my mouth is,” Scaramucci told The Post on Monday, adding of Harris: “She will beat Trump.”

Anthony Scaramucci, also known as the Mooch, enjoyed a colorful yet brief tenure as Donald Trump’s White House communications director in 2017. He is now one of the former president’s biggest critics. Getty Images

In another twist, the ex-White House staffer confirmed to The Post that he is still formally registered as a GOP voter.

“I am hanging by a thread as a Republican,” Scaramucci said.

Filings show Scaramucci — the ex-Goldman Sachs banker known as “The Mooch” who heads SkyBridge Capital — put up the cash last month for a political action committee which was then known as the Biden Victory Fund.

The election war chest has since been rebranded as the Harris Victory Fund following the commander-in-chief’s decision to pull out of the 2024 race, meaning the vice president will now seek to mop up all of its donations.

The donation marks a striking about-face for Scaramucci, who just last year handed over $100,000 to a similar fundraising vehicle backing Chris Christie’s short-lived quest for the GOP nomination.

Scaramucci went from one of Trump’s most vocal defenders to one of his loudest critics after spectacularly falling out with the real estate mogul when he got the boot from his job.

Since Harris’ name appeared on the original Biden campaign ticket, Democratic Party officials say funds raised can be used by her to take on Donald Trump in November. Getty Images

He was fired after giving a foul-mouthed interview to the New Yorker magazine in which he branded then-chief of staff Rence Preibus “a f—–g paranoid schizophrenic” and made a vulgar slur about Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist.

Last month’s contribution from Scaramucci came in just four days before Biden’s meandering CNN debate performance that ultimately saw Democrats pile the pressure on the 81-year-old to quit the race.

What to know about President Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race:

Scaramucci had backed Biden in 2020, although he stopped short of bankrolling his previous campaign, opting instead to donate $25,000 to an anti-Trump political action committee, FEC filings show.

In recent months, the Mooch has once again rallied behind the Democratic Party’s bid to hang onto the White House, tweeting his support for the president and the vice president.

But he also signaled his concern about Biden’s frailties, saying on June 30 that he had attended a ritzy Hamptons shindig for the now-former candidate where he used a teleprompter to complete a 15-minute speech.

Scaramucci has been open about his backing for Biden and Harris over the past fours years, but this marks the first major donation to the campaign. Getty Images

“That is not going to be enough to prove to the American people that he’s up for another four years,” he said at the time.

In response to Biden’s withdrawal on Sunday, Scaramucci wrote on social media: “President Biden is an American Patriot, phenomenal career. Time to defeat Trump and the menace he represents.”

He later retweeted a post by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, a major Dem donor, that praised Harris “as the right person at the right time.”

“Donald Trump and JD Vance are promising an agenda that will wreak havoc on the American people. Harris’s background and leadership growing the economy, fighting for bodily autonomy, and protecting our democracy uniquely position her to push back against Trump’s extremism,” Hoffman wrote on X, the Elon Musk-owned platform formerly known as Twitter.

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