Potty-beaked parrot ruffles feathers in the Upper West Side: ‘Very high maintenance’

He’s got a potty-beak.

An Upper West Side parrot ruffled some feathers last week when he flew the coop, prompting his owner to plaster $500 reward signs around the neighborhood, warning about the bird’s naughty penchant for saying the word “a–hole.”

The three-year-old Congo African Grey named Goo-Goo was hanging out on owner Connie I’s third-floor back porch on West 76th Street July 11 when he “just decided to take off,” she said.

The Upper West Side is home to Goo-Goo, a three-year-old Congo African Grey parrot. Helayne Seidman

“I didn’t put [Goo-Goo] on a chain because he doesn’t really fly, he glides. And when he glides, he doesn’t go very far…But before I knew it, he kind of glided over my balcony,” she said. 

Frantic to get back her beloved bird, Connie posted signs up and down the block. 

“Sounds out ‘Goo-Goo’…Another sound: ‘Baba A–hole,’ (My mother did that)” the flyer read. 

The polly picked up the cuss word from Connie’s parents who live in Queens. 

“Sounds out ‘Goo-Goo’…Another sound: ‘Baba A–hole,’ (My mother did that)” the missing flyer read.  Obtained by NY Post

“‘Baba’ in Chinese means ‘dad,’ and my mom would call my dad ‘Baba A–hole.’ So [Goo-Goo] was really calling my dad an a–hole in Chinese…and I was like, ‘Thanks, Mom,’” she explained.

Luckily, Goo-Goo’s time loose in the Concrete Jungle was brief.

A housekeeper who works at a neighbor’s home discovered the wayward bird – and shielded him from a lunging pooch – and reunited him safely with his relieved owner. 

Connie I, Goo-Goo’s owner, is trying to get him to stop squawking the word “a–hole.” Helayne Seidman

Goo-Goo, meanwhile, hasn’t cleaned up his act just yet.

In a video shared with The Post, the squawker defiantly repeats the curse word three times in a row while staring directly at the camera. 

“I am trying to get him to stop saying it,” Connie said. 

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