Trump taps Vance for White House bid: Letters to the Editor — July 19, 2024

The Issue: Former President Donald Trump chooses Sen. JD Vance to complete the Republican ticket.

Former President Donald Trump has chosen Ohio’s Sen. JD Vance as his running mate, suggesting that it is time for the millennials to step into the limelight in American politics (“Trump says it’s Vance for VP,” July 16).

Washington politics seems to be largely dominated by older Americans, primarily Baby Boomers and also those in the Silent Generation. That must change, and young leaders must ascend to various positions of power.

Trump, by picking Vance for vice president, has shown that he understands the importance of bright minds and fresh ideas.

I applaud Trump’s decision. It is time for the people to accept the arrival of the next generation in national politics.

Tawsif Anam

Madison, Wisc.

New York Post columnist Henry Olsen heaps praise on Vance without mentioning a single substantive policy position he holds. We’re told only that Vance cares about ordinary Americans and that he’s “unburdened by the GOP’s past free-market fundamentalism.”

One unfortunate result of this “unburdening” is that Vance shares Trump’s enthusiasm for tariffs. Yet tariffs are pro-worker only superficially and destroy as many American jobs as they create.

They do so directly by reducing foreigners’ demand for American exports. They destroy jobs indirectly because, with most US imports being intermediate goods used to produce outputs in America, the costs of production incurred by many American businesses rise.

At the end of all this are higher prices for consumer goods — meaning reduced purchasing power for the vast majority of American families.

Donald J. Boudreaux

Fairfax, Va.

I love the JD Vance pick for VP candidate.

This is the political moment to go full MAGA, real MAGA: America first, strong deterrence abroad, less power in Washington and more in the states. It’s time to put the GOP where it belongs: in the hands of the people.

As for the concerns that Vance is “too Trumpy” and having two political pugilists on the ticket is counterproductive, I see a different tack.

With Vance as the VP, former President Donald Trump can now be “less Trumpy” and more of the unifying, cool and collected Trump we’ve seen this cycle.

The pick works great and cements the MAGA GOP beyond 2028, much to the chagrin of the country-club conservatives who’ve ruled Washington for my entire lifetime.

Nick McNulty

Windham, NH

Trump’s selection of Vance is mystifying. He is apparently supportive of Federal Trade Commission head Lina Khan remaining in place to continue destroying American businesses.

The former president had many wonderful possibilities, yet he picked this young firebrand who seemingly misunderstands economics and the point of capitalism.

Rick Meyer

Pinehurst, NC

I would like to praise Donald Trump for selecting JD Vance as his running mate.

There are those who disagree, because at one point Vance opposed Trump. But as he got to know Trump and Trump got to know Vance, the pair eventually realized they were on the same page in support for the American people.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


Vance is the perfect choice for Trump.

Like many who have become Trump sycophants and sellouts, Vance initially saw the light about who Trump is, even comparing him to Hitler. He then learned that if he wanted to pursue power, he would have to fall in line with the rest of the GOP and express his devotion to its leader.

Consequently, Vance has joined Trump in lying about the result of the 2020 presidential election. The two aggrieved men of privilege are two peas in a pod.

Oren Spiegler

Peters Township, Pa.

Great pick for VP by Trump. This ticket has all the smarts to “Make America Great Again,” as advertised.

Warren Goldfein

Mount Arlington, NJ

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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