The week in whoppers: MSNBC’S Joy Reid makes the most idiotic comparison ever, Team Biden claims prez has united the country and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This praise:

“[Biden’s record is] bringing us back together.” 

Biden campaign co-chair Chris Coons, Wednesday

We say: Huh? What exactly has Biden done to unite the nation? Rail about Republican threats to democracy?

Falsely claim Trump promises a “bloodbath” if he loses?

Tweet, as he recently did, that Trump’s “a threat to . . . everything America stands for”?

Heck, if Biden’s got such a great record of bringing the country together, why’d he have to lecture Americans last weekend to “lower the temperature in our politics”?

Indeed, he can’t even unite his own party, with Democratic leaders (Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, even Barack Obama) pushing him to end his reelection bid and his supporters pushing back.

This comparison:

“[Donald Trump’s] survival . . . is being conveyed . . . as a sign of strength. . . . [President Biden] has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn’t that convey exactly the same thing?”  

— MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Wednesday

We say: What pure idiocy. Reid, a die-hard Biden fan, clearly felt a need to counter his reputation for weakness, especially compared to Trump.

But Biden’s had COVID twice and was vaxxed and boosted, so he must have some immunity.

Plus, he’s taken Paxlovid, and his symptoms are mild.

Trump, by contrast, came within inches of a bullet to the head.

This charge:

“[Trump & Co.] want to prosecute political enemies.” 

— President Biden, Tuesday

We say: Call it a bad case of projection. Democrats are the oneswho’ve filed four criminal cases against their political enemy (Trump), totaling a whopping 91 felony counts (most lame or fabricated).

They’ve also tried to bankrupt him in a meritless civil case.

Meanwhile, the Bidens have surely committed numerous crimes. Yet Trump nonetheless says he’ll “do everything in my power” to resist prosecutions based on political differences.

Spot the difference:

“How Climate Change Is Making Tampons (and Lots of Other Stuff) More Expensive”

NY Times, Feb. 28, 2023


“Cotton prices tumble as Brazil’s exports surge”

— The Financial Times, Monday

We say: Last year, the Gray Lady blamed a spike in the price of tampons and other cotton-based products on (what else?) climate change, claiming heat and drought has led to poorer cotton yields.

Yet on Monday, the Financial Times reported that “a sharp rise” in cotton production in Brazil and a falloff in demand, as consumers choose cheaper alternatives, has sent cotton prices tumbling. Oops. 

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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