Ruff spot! Texas town unleashes massive manhunt with drones to save dog with bowl stuck on her head

It’s a survivor’s tail.

A Texas town unleashed a massive drone-powered manhunt to find a missing dog with a bowl stuck on her head — ultimately rescuing the poor pup from under a house in the sweltering heat, according to cops and locals.

The spooked Labrador retriever mix — affectionately nicknamed “Jughead” by some neighbors — was first spotted bolting around the Houston suburb of Manvel Texas Tuesday, cops wrote on Facebook.

To help the pooch out of her ruff situation, police launched a drone search and urged locals to fan out around town to help sedate and capture her, according to the Manvel Police Department.

A Texas town helped rescue a dog with a bowl stuck on her head — with the help of cops and drones. Manvel Police Department

“Myself and others have done searching and weren’t able to find [her] and others are organizing another round of searches,” Manvel Mayor Dan Davis said Tuesday night of his own part in the pup-hunt.

He said the adorable dog was struck by a “dart” and high-tailed it into a nearby wooded area.

Locals on paw-trol feared the pup, whose official name and age were unknown, wouldn’t be able to breath with the containers covering her nose and mouth in the muggy 95-degree heat.

Manvel Police used drones to track down the scared pup. Manvel Police Department

But the lucky dog was found later that day, with neighbors reporting a woman crawled under a home to rescue her.

“She has been captured and is en route to the vet! Thank you to our Animal Control, local citizens, and Rescue groups for all the help capturing her,” Manvel police wrote on Facebook.

Dog lovers howled with glee.

“You all are amazing!!! Thank you for not giving up on her!!!” one observer wrote on Facebook.

Another gushed, “Thank you so much!!!!!! Yay!!! My heart is happy!!!”

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