I ate like Joe Biden and Donald Trump for a day — here’s why I won’t do it again

It takes a sturdy constitution to handle these presidential diets.

Bennett Rea, the creator behind social media’s viral @cookinwithcongress account, is known for sharing recipes and dietary habits of American politicians.

In some of his most recent and viral videos, the 35-year-old recreated a day in the life of Presidents Joe Biden, 81, and Donald Trump, 78, concluding that neither men dine like “normal people.”

Trump’s diet left Rea feeling sick and agitated while Biden’s boring meal plan was only a minor improvement.

The TikTokker combed through news articles and books to come up with each menu and then sat down at his table.

Rea posts videos following the recipes and diets of American politicians. cookinwithcongress/TikTok

According to Rea’s TikTok video, Trump normally skips breakfast and begins his day by cracking open the first of many Diet Cokes — a beverage he continues to chug throughout the day.

For lunch, the Republican candidate often cuts into a steak so well done it curls up at the corners, which he dips into ketchup and, at times, a side salad with Roquefort dressing.

Throughout the day Trump munches on Doritos or Lays chips and continues to sip on Diet Coke.

And at the end of the day, he gorges himself with two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fish, and a small chocolate shake which he washes down with a Diet Coke — Trump is said to crush about 12 cans a day.

Trump’s diet left Rea feeling sick and agitated. WireImage for Hill & Knowlton

However tasty Trump’s diet, Rea said he felt sick a few times and was “pretty scared” about how he would feel the next day.

“Trump’s diet, I don’t understand how someone in their 60s, 70s or 80s can eat like Donald Trump for a full day,” he told the Daily Mail.

“It was getting too close to a ‘Supersize Me’ experiment and a feeling of I won’t do this for more than a day because I have health concerns. The next day, I felt hungover like I had just had a jug of red wine, I couldn’t focus.”

“I took half a day off work, I walked around town and felt nauseous, it was rough, I only started to feel better the next day,” he shared.

Throughout the day Trump munches on Doritos or Lays chips and continues to sip on Diet Coke. cookinwithcongress/TikTok

According to Rea’s research, Trump consumes twice the amount of salt, fat and protein recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Rea also noted that the high-caloric diet put him on edge unsure if he wanted to fight or lie down.

“At one point during the Trump diet, I actually ended up saying to my wife, ‘I can’t really talk to you right now, I just need to be alone with all this food that’s in my stomach,’” he said.

Biden’s diet, on the other hand, was far less assaulting to Rea’s health — designed to suit the president’s aging body.

Biden’s diet, on the other hand, was far less assaulting to Rea’s health — designed to suit the president’s aging body. cookinwithcongress/TikTok

The president begins his day with a breakfast of Special K cereal and orange Gatorade, according to Rea’s TikTok video.

Later, he bites into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple washed down with another Gatorade.

In between meals he snacks on protein bars and Fig Newtons.

And then for dinner, he sits down to enjoy a bowl of angel hair pasta with tomato sauce and a dessert of yet another bowl of Special K and more orange Gatorade.

For dinner, Biden sits down to enjoy a bowl of angel hair pasta with tomato sauce and a dessert of begins his day with a bowl of Special K and more orange Gatorade. AFP via Getty Images

Biden’s diet was within FDA recommendations but “was very simple really and got rid of any decision fatigue,” Res said. “It had this very childlike quality to it.”

“After, I felt like this diet was not meant for me. I was bored, it was bland. There wasn’t enough protein, so I was a little hungry, and sugared up from all the Gatorade.”

Rea also noted that neither politician drinks coffee nor alcohol, both of which the foodie missed.

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