Elon Musk is fleeing California over transgender law that tramples parents’ rights

What would inspire Elon Musk to post: “This is the final straw. Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas”?

Policies crafted by so-called teacher unions, that’s what.

Their latest assault on families —  Musk’s “final straw” — was just signed into law by California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

In one broad sweep, this law deprives parents of the right to protect their own children from secret transgender manipulation by blocking school districts and teachers from notifying them about changes in a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

What a contrast to the “Yes, parents matter” message promoted by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Monday at the Republican National Convention.

Unlike Youngkin, who won the support of families, Newsom and his allies are a menace to California.

Newsom and the supermajority of Democrats that passed this law are betraying their constituents in service to a deceptive agenda.

How else to explain the gagging of those tasked with educating and protecting our children?

The new bill is full of deceptions and distortions, beginning with its title — the SAFETY Act (officially AB 1955).

Despite its name, the law prohibits anyone involved with public schools from giving any truthful information to parents asking about their child’s gender status — putting children in danger of being manipulated by the progressive activists running our government schools.

The law explicitly denies parents the right to protect their own kids. 

For those who might want to exploit our children, it doesn’t get much SAFER.

The SAFETY Act comes a few years after another state law, the deceptively named California Healthy Youth Act, which is sexualizing kids with pornographic materials and activities in state-mandated “health” classes.

What’s “healthy” about that?

Californians have fought hard against these wicked laws, yet special interests always prevail.

When Sonja Shaw, board chair of the Chino Valley Unified School District, traveled to Sacramento to testify against the SAFETY Act, she watched in “disgust and anger” as unions and lobbyists sang the praises of a bill that criminalizes telling parents the truth about their own children.

It’s “a direct attack on the fundamental role of parents and the sanctity of the family, and aligns with a Marxist agenda,” Shaw said — and violates the 14th Amendment, to boot.

Marxists have worked to influence our schools for decades, with a stated goal to “Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.”

The new law “was designed to destroy families and control our kids,” Shaw says.

When Shaw’s own board took action to require honesty with parents, she drew a lawsuit from union-supported California Attorney General Rob Bonta.

AB 1955 was rushed through at lightning speed to prevent local school districts like Chino Valley from adopting policies that ensure parents are protected.

That’s why on Aug. 31, our organization, For Kids and Country, and thousands of other concerned teachers and parents like Shaw will unite in the first annual March for Kids in Washington, DC, to take a stand against these tyrannical government efforts to interfere with parental rights.

We’re thankful for the attention that Musk’s announcement has brought to this diabolical law, and hope his voice will help awaken more Americans to the nightmares inside our government schools.

Too many of our schoolkids cannot read or perform grade-level math.

They don’t know history, culture or science.

And partisans are teaching our children racism, lies, bigotry and class warfare, while manipulating them to champion attacks on their own parents.

Orwellian, isn’t it?

Much must change to get the country back to its freedom-loving roots.

Cleaning up the filth in our nation’s legislatures and our government schools are two of them.

Rebecca Friedrichs is the founder of educational advocacy group For Kids and Country, where Roger Ruvolo is a contributor.

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