President Biden’s plea for unity: Letters to the Editor — July 18, 2024

The Issue: President Biden’s response to the assassination attempt against former President Trump.

President Biden ran for office as a “unifier,” but he has turned out to be one of the most divisive presidents in recent memory (“Joe’s unity plea to US,” July 15).

Thankfully, former President Donald Trump wasn’t killed in the attempt on his life, but that is no thanks to the current administration.

Biden has said many horrible things about Trump over the years, but now he is begging for us to come together. It’s too late, after four years of harsh talk and vengeful behavior.

Rich Klitzberg

Princeton, NJ

Sunday night’s talk by President Biden was full of platitudes and wasted words. Just another missed opportunity by the president to do something compelling and worthwhile.

What he should have done is announce that he has ordered the attorney general to withdraw all litigation against Trump, as a real symbol of what this nation is and is not.

He could have made a positive impact on the country — and even benefited himself. But obviously neither Biden nor his advisers had the good sense to do that.

Arnold S. Mazur

Palm Beach, Fla.

As I remember it, President Biden ran over four years ago on a promise to “bring down the temperature.”

Yet, upon assuming office, did he not immediately start castigating half of the population as “MAGA extremists?”

Sorry, Joe: You’re a day late and a dollar short.

Bob Wilson

Hunter’s Point

President Biden succeeded in contacting Donald Trump by phone to ask how he was doing after the recent attempt on his life. He reported the conversation was “good,” an improvement over their usual “toxic” interactions. I wonder if they will shake hands at the next debate.

Vin Morabito

Scranton, Pa.

The Issue: The dismissal of Alec Baldwin’s manslaughter trial in New Mexico.

I don’t like Alec Baldwin because of his entitled behavior and gruff personality (“Alec off hook in shooting misfire,” July 13).

In reading the coverage, it appears Baldwin carelessly pulled the trigger, resulting in the death of a young woman. Prison time would not have been out of the question.

But all too often we read about prosecutors going out of their way to deny defendants a fair trial.

Apparently this was another example.

Bravo to the judge for throwing out the case, with prejudice, ensuring that Baldwin can’t be retried. In our country, everyone is entitled to a fair trial.

Robert Feuerstein

Staten Island

In prosecutor Kari Morrissey’s quest for Baldwin’s conviction, she not only failed to uphold the truth but also squandered New Mexico’s financial resources.

She should be fired.

Mel Young


As a former prosecutor, I commend Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer’s courageous decision to dismiss the high-profile, politically-charged case.

The criminal-justice system is designed to protect defendants from the vagaries of a jury in exceptional circumstances, but it requires a courageous judge to oversee it. Sommer has shown that courage.

Michael G. Brautigam

Tallinn, Estonia

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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