Murder trial begins for man charged with 2021 killing of teen girl at Leduc high school

Dylan Pountney is on trial this week in Wetaskiwin, accused of killing Jennifer Louise Winkler, 17, by stabbing her to death at Christ the King High School in Leduc on March 15, 2021.

Pountney, now 21, was arraigned Monday in Alberta Court of King’s Bench before Justice Eric Macklin charged with first-degree murder. Voir dire of evidence continues in the case to determine admissibility.

RCMP Const. Joseph Broccolo arrested Pountney following the killing as the suspect hid under a deck in a subdivision a kilometre-and-a-half southeast of the school, which had quickly gone into lockdown mode.

First-degree murder charges are typically laid when investigators believe a killing was planned and deliberate.

The killing shocked the community of Leduc and the small private high school.

The lockdown alarm sounded at around 9:40 a.m. that fateful morning, according to one student.

Police were called to Christ the King around 10 a.m. after Winkler was stabbed inside a classroom, Insp. Dale Kendall said in 2021.

The victim and suspect knew one another, Kendall said, but didn’t discuss the nature of the relationship or possible motive.

Winkler’s injuries were so severe that STARS landed a helicopter air ambulance directly next to the school. She was flown to the University of Alberta Hospital and died that day.

Pountney was taken to Wetaskwin RCMP because the Leduc detachment building was undergoing renovations.

Prior to the killing, Pountney posted garbled ramblings on social media, touting conspiracy occult-tinged theories.

Dylan Pountney’s father, Nathan Pountney, told media at the time of Winkler’s death that his son had struggled with mental illness but was making progress.

Prior record

Dylan Pountney had previously been charged with assault with a weapon and mischief under $5,000 in connection with a Jan. 18, 2020, incident in Leduc. Both charges were withdrawn.

He was accused of assaulting Nathan Pountney with a knife “or an imitation thereof” on Jan. 18, 2020.

He was also accused of damaging a window and walls belonging to Nathan Pountney.

In the wake of tragedy

Almost $40,000 was raised to help the family with expenses through a GoFundMe account started by Jenny Winkler’s sister, Tracy Renee.

“My baby sister Jenny was tragically taken away from us on Monday, March 15, 2021, when she was at school and stabbed. STARS ambulance airlifted her to the U of A hospital and worked tirelessly. Unfortunately too much damage was done and we lost her,” wrote Tracy Renee, who described herself as Jennifer’s older sister.

“She was only 17 and had so much life left.”

Jenny Winkler’s father, Dale Winkler, has since created Jenny’s Corner at Millet Community Garden of Hope, a peaceful niche with a reading bench engraved in her name.

The Crown counsel on the case is Jeff Rudiak. Defence counsel representing Pountney is Derek Anderson. The trial resumes Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Dylan Thomas Pountney
Dylan Thomas Pountney, 19, has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Jennifer Louise Winkler, who was stabbed to death at Leduc’s Christ the King Catholic High School.Photo by supplied

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