App delivery minimum wage is shutting out workers and NYC lefties don’t care

Basic math undoes the progressive economic agenda yet again: After the innumerates at the City Council mandated a $17.96 per hour wage for app delivery workers, the number of people doing work in that sector is cratering. 

That nugget is buried in a report the city’s Department of Consumer and Worker Protection put out touting the success of the law. 

How many times will lefties trip over the stubborn facts of economics before they get the message?

DoorDash logo
A door-dash delivery driver waits near a restaurant on December 30, 2020 in New York City. Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

The law went into effect in December; active worker accounts on delivery apps are down 9% in Q1 of 2024 over Q1 in 2023. 

UberEats, for example, said its delivery worker rolls plunged by 12,000 since the new law went into effect. 

And that’s not all. 

The cost to the consumers is skyrocketing: They spent 10% more on deliveries in Q1 of 2024 than over Q1 2023. 

Which means customers are tipping less — the average tip amount is down by $2.64.

And while the fewer couriers still working are earning more per hour on paper (that’s true by definition when a wage floor is legally established), they are likely working much, much harder for that extra wage. 

UberEats also said its couriers are doing 80% more deliveries per hour than before the law hit. 

Sure sounds more like a pay cut than a raise to us. 

City Council members earn at least $148,500 a year — close to double the median household income for the city. 

They also have cushy office gigs that don’t require them to frantically zip around town handing out food. 

So the economic damage their policies do to hoi polloi is basically invisible to them. 

But hey — as long as they can congratulate themselves for supposedly boosting “social justice,” who cares how many people looking for an extra buck get shut out of the job market?

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