Biden’s ‘big boy’ gaffe-fest: Letters to the Editor — July 15, 2024

The Issue: President Biden’s press conference following the NATO summit.

Softball questions and teleprompters can’t restore confidence in President Biden (“ ‘Big-boy’ Joe blows it,” July 12).

A little blush and defiant shouting will not un-ring the bell that former President Donald Trump rang at the debate. What irony that Biden’s campaign is now reduced to trying to convince voters that he is competent. The harder he tries, the more exposure he gets, and exposure to the voters will be the kiss of death.

Even the Hollywood frauds have pulled their support. Time to go, Joe.

Robert Mangi

Garden City

A rough night for the president yet again. There was wrong information and confusion mixed with referring to Trump as the vice president. Please God, let somebody step up and escort him out. We as a country are better than the current offerings.

Maureen Sharkey


I was not surprised The Post jumped on Biden for saying “Putin” instead of “Zelensky” before he corrected himself.

Trump said Joan Rivers told him she had voted for him. Only problem is, Rivers died in 2014. Should I hold my breath waiting for calls for Trump to quit?

Michael L. Wilson


Biden’s sycophants may have been thrilled and relieved at his performance. Most of us watching just thought that “Grandpa” may have had a decent night, but there’s no way he’s getting the keys to the car.

Jack Kaufman

Naples, Fla.

After watching the “big boy” press conference, I’m beside myself with angst. Whenever Biden wasn’t stumbling, mumbling or erring, he was flat-out lying.

Thank the Democrats for unleashing a scenario that anyone with half a brain saw coming.

Eugene R. Dunn


President Biden is following a precedent established by former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Biden can make the best decision for our country and step down.

Otherwise, he will make the same selfish mistake that RBG did, and our country will again suffer the consequences.

Gideon T. Rasmussen

New Braunfels, Texas

The Issue: The ongoing financial burden of New York City migrant shelters on taxpayers.

The Post noted 193 migrant shelters, most located in poorer sections of the city (“ ‘City dropped a bomb on us,’ ” July 7).

The liberal Upper West Side has eight. The “NIMBY” West Side locals bitterly grouse about crime, chaos and quality of life immigrants have caused.

Yet these residents, tied to their progressive political culture, never learn anything. They keep voting blue.
You reap what you sow.

Joseph Valente

Staten Island

I’d like to applaud The Post for telling us what the Adams administration wouldn’t: the location of the 193 migrant shelters. The poorest neighborhoods are getting the short end of the stick, as usual. In the future, Mayor Adams, please be honest about choices that affect us all. Your next election isn’t that far off.

John Giriat

The Bronx

It is disturbing that the city is spending a billion dollars to house migrants, many of them here illegally (“$1 billion+ ‘inn-come’,” July 7).

Hotels are getting millions to house them. Tourists aren’t happy with this fact, nor do they feel safe. The federal government must get more involved shutting down the crossings and deporting migrants convicted of crimes.

Joseph Comperchio


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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