Letters to the editor: Where are our tax dollars being spent?

We as taxpayers ask for the basics in providing you our tax dollars.

We ask for water. Garbage collection. Roads and their maintenance. We ask for stormwater maintenance — as part of our taxes, not as a separate line item.

We do not ask for artwork or hockey arenas, where the majority of Calgarians do not go as it is unaffordable. We did not ask for a “world class library,” just a new library. We have not asked for a Green Line LRT — at least in the current configuration or cost.

We do ask for basic maintenance of our parks. We do not ask for city crews to be provided with high-end vehicles that many Calgarians cannot afford.

When I first started paying taxes in Calgary, water, sewer, garbage and stormwater was included. Now they are separate.

So I am not exactly sure what our taxes are going to, as these are no longer part of our taxes. I will send this to every council member as well as the mayor. I might get an automated response from one or two of them, but no real response.


Colin Pratt, Calgary

Do homework before moving to Calgary

Re: “Surging population outpacing job creation, chief economist says.”

Maybe I’m missing something but is it a great idea to pull stakes and head for Calgary without a job and no place to live?

Calgary has fantastic opportunities but wouldn’t it be sensible to check these out first?

Maybe take a trip to Calgary to scout the employment picture in areas you are interested and qualified in. Talk to a realtor, look at the rental situation. Do you have kids? It’s a good idea to check out schools, grade, language and location. The internet can also help search for opportunities and apply for a job. Get an online subscription to the Calgary Herald.

Unless the new job seekers have close family to move in with or very tolerant and loyal friends to share a home with, why do Calgarians have to turn the city upside down when they can’t find a real job or a place to live?

Ian Anderson, Calgary


Don’t paint all of council with same brush

Philip Heftner wrote in the July 9 Herald that councillors must serve constituents, as he has been repeatedly rebuffed by Coun. Courtney Walcott’s office in his attempts to communicate.

I agree, but find one’s mileage may vary as my efforts in communicating with Coun. Sonya Sharp and her office has been resoundingly successful and warm. She has an exceptional staff in her office.

We all need to be aware that some of our politicians and staff are much better than others in hearing us, and might want to remember that at election time.

Eric Collins, Calgary


Stampede’s tribute to water main break

Re: White: Stampede Park makeover gains momentum

It’s admirable that city hall was able to erect a statue to commemorate the “Great Main Blowout” in time for the Stampede.

Spirit of Water should be renamed Kablooie.

Gordon Cope, Calgary

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