Trump-driven Republican platform is recipe for success

Donald Trump has converted the Republican Party into the party of the working class in America — those who’ve paid the bill for the Biden economic disaster.

He’s now put forward a 2024 Republican Party platform that is a gutsy governing blueprint for rebuilding America’s strength and leadership at home and abroad.

It’s a conservative Reagan-esque document that recognizes that “government isn’t the solution, government is the problem.”

But it goes beyond the unambiguous mandates of cutting government, spending and over-regulation to restore prosperity for the working class, seniors and minorities who’ve suffered the brunt of runaway inflation under President Biden.

The platform reminds us that deregulation and the Trump tax cuts were essential to the Trump boom — when incomes for families rose by some $5,800.

Prescription drug prices fell for the first time in almost 50 years, thanks to more companies entering the market after Trump lowered barriers.

Deregulation reduced internet-access prices sharply in 2017.

American innovation also made us the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas.

It reminds us of the nonstop and expensive failures of Bidenomics.

New cars and pickups will cost almost $6,000 extra because of the actions of the Biden and Obama administrations.

These moves are about imposing champagne tastes on beer budgets, not environmental protection.

Workers can’t come off the sidelines if they can’t afford the car to get there.

Homelessness and the opioid crisis have gotten worse.

So has crime and filth in our cities.

The test scores of our children have plummeted.

The document is dedicated to the forgotten middle class Americans who have suffered the most over the past four years.

Some of the promises and goals are idealistic — but in a good way.

Democrats won’t even acknowledge that the country is coming apart.

As such, Trump will:

  • Make the Trump tax cuts permanent.
  • Rebuild the great cities of America.
  • Ensure “universal school choice” for all families.
  • Cancel expensive and failed green energy programs and let Americans choose what kind of car they buy.
  • Get Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and radical gender identity programs out of our schools.
  • Secure safe elections with Voter ID and Election Day voting.
  • Make America energy independent and dominant by using ALL our bountiful resources.
  • Eliminate taxes on tips to give service workers a well-deserved pay raise.
  • Defend freedom of speech and all our First Amendment rights that have come under assault from the left in recent years.

This GOP platform is important because it guides the policy vision of the party for the next four years.

This is a short and concise construction of the new Make America Great Again party.

We don’t agree with every idea — we doubt anyone would.

We wish there were more about downsizing our $7 trillion federal budget colossus, and an appreciation of the economic value of free trade.

But it’s a platform for all conservatives and lovers of liberty to rally around and shout about.

We know Trump will carry through with this bold agenda because he’s done it before.

Stephen Moore is a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Casey Mulligan is an economist at the University of Chicago. They are both members of Unleash Prosperity.

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