The week in whoppers: Team Biden denies campaign reality, NY Times flips on Trump’s bleach-and-COVID advice

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This claim:

“This campaign is in a strong position”

— Biden Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks, Monday

We say: Seriously? With President Biden’s cognitive decline now out in the open, Donald Trump has leaped ahead in every swing state.

The lefty media — and even fellow Democratsare demanding Biden quit the race or lose in a landslide.

That’s what Fulks calls a “strong position”?

Truth is, the only place his campaign is doing well is in Biden Land.

Spot the difference:

“I’m the guy who shut Putin down. Nobody thought we could do it.”

— Joe Biden, Friday


“Russia strikes a children’s hospital in Kyiv and other sites across Ukraine”

— NPR, Monday

We say: It sure takes some level of audacity (or senility?) to claim success in countering Russia’s Mad Vlad even as he’s bombing children’s hospitals.

This charge:

“The threat we face at the border isn’t from the migrants. It’s from the billionaires and politicians getting working people to point the finger at one another.”

— United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, Sunday

We say: Never mind migrant crime. Or fentanyl, terrorists, overwhelmed cities . . . Never mind even that migrants are taking jobs from union workers.

Fain, a supposed labor leader, is apparently so beholden to Joe Biden and the left that he’s trotted out this utter idiocy to deny the migrant threat and dismiss voters’ entirely legitimate concerns about the border. Talk about shameless!

Spot the difference:

“[Trump suggested] an ‘injection inside’ the human body with a disinfectant like bleach . . . could help combat the virus.”

— New York Times, April 24, 2020


“[Trump] did not instruct people to inject bleach.”

— New York Times, Saturday

We say: When the Times drops its support for a candidate, as it’s now done with Biden, its presentation of the facts switches, too.

Suddenly, the Gray Lady is  fact-checking Biden: On Saturday, it called him out on the litany of lies he spewed in his interview with George Stephanopoulos.

That included not just Biden’s claim that Trump “told us to put bleach in our arms to deal with COVID,” an assertion the Times echoed in 2020, but also the president’s whoppers on poll results, the events he’s attended, Putin, Sen. Mark Warner and other issues.   

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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