Mick Jagger booed after Stones singer says he ‘loves’ Justin Trudeau

‘We love your Mr. Trudeau. I mean, his family’s always been such big fans of our band’

Jagger, 80, got the crowd at B.C. Place riled up when he said he’s a fan of the deeply unpopular Liberal leader.

“We love your Mr. Trudeau. I mean, his family’s always been such big fans of our band,” the frontman quipped, making a nod to the prime minister’s mother, who partied with the Stones back in the late 1970s after she had split from Justin’s father.

After a brief pause, Jagger knew he was losing the room but quickly recovered, pivoting to Canada’s national men’s soccer team, who advanced to the semifinals of the Copa America on Tuesday night.

“By the way, congratulations to the Canadian soccer team getting to the semifinals!” the frontman yelled as jeers turned to applause.

In the days since the remark, fan-captured clips of the moment have gone viral on X and Instagram, raking up hundreds of thousands of views.

“(Jagger) hasn’t been paying attention,” one person remarked, with another adding, “Mick Jagger has no clue how unpopular Justin Trudeau is.”

Meanwhile, others praised the Stones singer for being able to get the audience back on his side so quickly.

“That was honestly an incredible pivot to the Copa America,” one person wrote. “Well played.”

“Nice save Mick!” another added. “Mentioned Trudeau and just about (got) booed into the Pacific, but that soccer team congrats saved your bacon!”

Margaret Trudeau’s association with the Stones dates back nearly 50 years and made headlines when the band played a club show in Toronto and the wife of then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was spotted stepping out with the band.

In her 2021 memoir, I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in the Trump White House, former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham alleged that Donald Trump told her that Trudeau’s mother had sex “with all of the Rolling Stones.”

“I was sitting with him in his cabin, and for whatever reason — maybe he had just read something or seen his face on TV — Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau popped into the president’s head,” Grisham wrote.

“Are you OK if I say this?” Trump allegedly asked. “Trudeau’s mom. She (had sex with) all of the Rolling Stones.”

But Jagger later told the Evening Standard that Margaret was a “very sick girl in search of something. She found it — but not with me. I wouldn’t go near her with a barge pole.”

It isn’t the first time Jagger and Co. have waded into Canadian politics while playing north of the border. Back in 2013, Jagger made a joke about then-Toronto mayor Rob Ford, who was embroiled in a crack cocaine controversy at the time.

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