Mayor Adams’ revolution is trash: Letters to the Editor — July 12, 2024

The Issue: NYC residents being required to purchase city-sanctioned garbage bins, costing nearly $50 each.

So now our brilliant mayor is going to require us to use NYC trash bins or be fined (“Talkin’ serious trash,” July 9).

I have no issue with using cans, because I already use them. But why must I buy these particular, overpriced cans? Is a friend of the mayor involved in the distribution of them? And who is going to reimburse me when these cans inevitably get stolen, or blow away during a storm?

Please, if I am compelled to do this, let me at least buy the cans of my own choosing.

Michael Walker

Staten Island

I was annoyed to read in The Post that all owners of small buildings in the five boroughs will have to buy a new garbage pail, costing $50.

Why is the mayor making us pay for this? When the city started the recycling program, it supplied the pails.

I hope the city knows that a lot of people can’t afford these bins. I am also afraid that when I put the pail out someone might steal it.

Anthony Amore

Staten Island

It appears that using garbage pails is a new concept to Mayor Adams, who has dubbed his latest move a garbage “revolution.”

Last I checked, standardized garbage pails are common in municipalities outside the Big Apple.
No wonder NYC has a rat problem, if this is considered a revolution.

Barbara Czaya


The years of plastic bags vividly piled high on the streets was a disgrace. Now, the streets will be lined with these bins, blocking the sidewalk. What a joke.

Arthur J. French


Why should I be forced to spend money on a trash bin, considering the millions the city is spending on housing immigrants? I already have a trash receptacle — that I place a plastic trash bag in for pickup. If the new bin is so superior, that’s fine, but let NYC supply them. The people should not have to pay.

Robert Leavy


The Issue: Karine Jean-Pierre’s belated admission that President Biden met with a Parkinson’s expert.

We cannot depend on White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre or the White House for any straight answers (“WH: Doc saw Biden in Jan.,” July 10).

She’s been covering up and lying for the president for the past 3  ¹/₂ years. The American people have a right to know if our president has any major medical issues — and, by the way, it seems President Biden definitely does.

Rob Johann, Queens

White House staff have consulted with an expert in Parkinson’s disease at least eight times in the past eight months. What does this tell us about the president’s health?

I know I join millions of other Americans whose heart goes out to Joe Biden as he weathers his sundown years. Obviously, decline from aging does not reverse itself; he has a bleak future to look forward to.
Nevertheless, we must keep our priorities in focus for our very survival.

James W. Anderson

Talladega, Ala.

Watching the White House press corps attack on Jean-Pierre like they suddenly discovered their jobs as journalists was sad (“The doctor is in . . . the logs!,” July 9).

Ditto the mainstream media who have covered for Biden all during his presidency.

The media is nothing more than lapdogs for the Democrats. Now that his pitiful debate performance has exposed the charade, Washington correspondents seemed to have suddenly remember their jobs. What a bunch of frauds.

Robert DiNardo


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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