Saskatchewan Party MLA Steven Bonk seeks federal seat with Conservative Party

In total, the Saskatchewan Party currently has 27 incumbent MLAs and 24 new candidates set for the coming election.

This time it was Moosomin MLA Steven Bonk, who announced he would not seek re-election when votes are cast on or before Oct. 28. Instead, Bonk plans to run federally for the Conservative Party, seeking the nomination to represent Souris-Moose Mountain in the province’s southeast.

In a press release, Premier Scott Moe said “I want to thank Steven for his service to the people of his constituency and our province and wish him all the best in the future.”

Bonk was first elected in 2016. During his time as an MLA, he served as Minister of the Economy and Minister responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan, Innovation and Trade.

A new candidate for Moosomin will need to be nominated since Bonk was acclaimed as the candidate for Moosomin-Montmartre back on July 12, 2023.


In total, the Saskatchewan Party currently has 27 incumbent MLAs and 24 new candidates set for the coming election. In 2020, the party won 48 out of a possible 61 seats.

Across the aisle, the NDP has two MLAs not seeking re-election: Saskatoon University MLA Jennifer Bowes and MLA for Cumberland Doyle Vermette.

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