Nick Wehry, husband of Nathan’s hot dog eating champ Miki Sudo, buckles under pressure after The Post exposed cheating claims

The brat thickens.

A competitive eater in Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog eating competition has crumbled under the weight of a cheating scandal and requested his score be revised to remove the controversial weiners, the Post can reveal exclusively.

Nick Wehry, husband of women’s division champion and pink mustard belt holder Miki Sudo, was accused of using sleight of hand trickery to beef up his tally at the July 4th competition and place himself among the sport’s most elite competitors.

Nick Wehry is accused of padding his hot-dog total from July 4’s Nathan’s Hotdog Eating Contest. Andrew Schwartz /

A referee checks Wehry’s plates at the end of the contest. YouTube

After the official tally, the total on Wehry’s counter reads 46. YouTube

“I am distressed over the accusations of cheating that have surfaced and I reiterate that I did not cheat in this event,” Wehry said, acknowledging the controversy, denying wrongdoing.

“However, because I did touch another eater’s plates and because this gives the appearance or possibility of impropriety I have asked Major League Eating to adjust my score down to a count of 46.75 hot dogs and buns. I’m truly sorry for raising any questions over the results of the event.”

On competition day at Coney Island, Wehry devoured a respectable 46.75 dogs in the 10-minutes allotted. But his official score was later increased to 51.75 on the official Major League Eating website standings.

A source closely involved with the competition told The Post that eating 50 hot dogs is seen as a high water mark separating everyday contenders from the top-tier eaters. Although the allegedly inflated score did not improve Wehry’s standings, it bumped up his official score from 46.75 to 51.75, placing him among the sport’s crème de la crème.

The sources claim Wehry shifted empty plates around on the competition table after time was up in order to place more on his stack. Judges count five hot dogs per plate when conducting their official tally, so the addition of a single extra plate would be enough to bump up his score into the elite tier.

Wehry appears to reach over and lift a plate from competitor Sean Yeager’s pile. YouTube

Videos posted to an internet forum dedicated to competitive eating provided a series of time codes purporting to show Wehry touching the plates in a suspicious manner.

In the videos viewed by The Post, Wehry could be seen lingering on stage after the competition was over, appearing to pick up and move items on the table including at least one empty plate, which he twirled in his hand end over end.

What we know about the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest scandal

These are definitely dirty water dogs.

A contender in Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest was accused of beefing up his score to secure a spot among the sport’s elite contenders.

Nick Wehry — husband of women’s division champion Miki Sudo — scarfed down an impressive 46.75 hot dogs on the day of the July 4th competition. The 46.75 hot dogs earned him a fourth-place finish, according to footage and reports, including by The Post and ESPN.

But the official Major League Eating (MLE) results website published that Wehry put down 51.75 dirty water dogs, based on the number of empty plates stacked in front of their spot after the allotted time concluded.

Two sources close to the competition have told the Post that Wehry cheated to change the recorded results by “stealing plates” from another competitor’s stack and putting them on his own place setting.

After the scandal broke, Wehry has requested the MLE readjust his score back down to the 46.75, claiming he did not cheat but looking to avoid a re-evaluation.

Competitors relish the accomplishment of eating 50 hot dogs in the allotted time frame – something that separates the casual eater from the professionals.

Wehry was seen loitering around other competitor’s plates after the competition had ended.

Wehry’s wife, Sudo, set a new women’s record with 51 hot dogs, securing her spot as an elite eater.

In an unprecedented move Wednesday, Wehry’s official score was scaled down to 46.75 on the Major League Eating website — the same tally recorded on the day of the contest by ESPN and The Post.

On Tuesday, Major League Eating told The Post that it’s “not our policy to overturn judges’ decisions after the final results have been recorded” after the organization conducted an investigation.

Later, Wehry seems to put the plate in his own pile. On a recount, Wehry’s total was increased to 51.

However on Wednesday, the organization acknowledged it had adjusted the score at Wehry’s behest.”Earlier today, Nick Wehry asked MLE to lower his score to 46.75 based on his touching another eater’s plates. MLE has agreed to adjust the official count,” according to a statement.

“Wehry remains the 4th place finisher of the hot dog eating contest on July 4, 2024.”

Wehry’s wife Miki Sudo won the women’s competition. SARAH YENESEL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

A source close to the competition slammed the organization for its about-face on Wehry’s score.

“I believe MLE should use video evidence to determine if cheating took place and to punish anyone that is determined to have cheated during a contest or afterwards,” the source said.

“And from the video I’ve seen, I still believe that it is evident that [Nick] cheated.” 

The source said the whole incident is a black eye for the world of competitive eating.

“If this sets a precedent, it could discourage people from wanting to compete, knowing that cheating could occur,” he said. “Or, for those willing to do so, it might encourage them to try to cheat,” the source added.”I think neither are good for the sport.”

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