Report highlights criticism of former Nipawin mayor’s leadership

Rennie Harper resigned on the day the investigation report was to be presented to council.

Rennie Harper had an abrasive, intrusive and dictatorial leadership style that fomented an atmosphere of distrust, insecurity and turmoil at the Town of Nipawin, according to a code of ethics investigation focused on the community’s now-former mayor.

The complaints were among the evidence gathered in the investigation conducted in May and June of 2023 by Bloom CME, a consulting firm. The full report was withheld for more than a year and released this week.

Former Nipawin town councillor Lewis Robin filed a freedom of information request to make it public, but the town initially only released a heavily redacted document with sparse details.

Robin appealed, and last month Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner Ronald J. Kruzeniski ruled the full report should be released, with only the initials or acronyms of witnesses blacked out.

Harper did not respond to Postmedia’s request for comment.

In answer to questions, all six councillors separately said the initial complaint against Harper was justified and all supported it.

According to the report, a common complaint expressed in interviews with councillors was about Harper’s treatment of town employees. According to report, she “refused to allow Council to discuss the alarm (about her behaviour) among employees.”

All councillors interviewed mentioned Harper’s alleged treatment of one employee in particular, calling it “unacceptable” and “targeted,” and agreeing it was a violation of the town’s code of ethics.

“Staff have been on edge. I was appalled by her behaviour toward staff,” one councillor said.

Another councillor said the code of ethics investigation was “a slam dunk that her conduct is shameful and violated Council’s Code of Ethics.”

Another councillor told the investigator that as mayor, Harper was “heavily involved in staffing issues and this is all coming to light now.”

All councillors mentioned instances when Harper as mayor “crossed the line into administration,” the report stated.

“I clearly understand my role; we all do,” said one councillor. “We’re not to get into staff business.”

The investigator reported that the mayor displayed “dismissive, disrespectful verbal and non-verbal communication toward Council and staff.”  The behaviour was described as “harassment,” “bullying,” and “rude,” and a violation of the town’s harassment and discrimination policy.

Harper was also described in interviews as “controlling” and “demeaning” toward councillors.

Some councillors reported that staff were happiest when Harper was not in the building, and on edge when she was present. One councillor said staff were “fearful for their jobs,” and some threatened to quit. One councillor described Harper’s conduct with staff as a “dictatorship.”

“We can’t laugh; we can’t have fun. We can’t joke around,” a councillor told the investigator. “She’s the queen of council.”

Councillors said they had lost trust and confidence in her ability to lead the town.

“I don’t want this to go on,” one councillor was quoted saying in the report. “It would shed a very bad light on the town.”

Another said “The only clear path forward is if the Mayor resigns.”

The report said the town council informally sought Harper’s resignation as mayor on May 8, 2023 — before the code of ethics investigation began on May 23 — after special meetings of council on May 3 and May 5.

A memo requesting her resignation was then sent to Harper in which members of council noted their intent “to formally request your resignation as Mayor of the Town of Nipawin. This is in result of an eroded level of confidence among the remaining members of Council.”

Council was also willing to impose heavy restrictions on Harper, including a 75 per cent reduction in pay for six months, removal from all “agencies, boards, and commissions” where council had the ability and authority to do so, and restricting her access to the town office to just two hours on Wednesday mornings, unless the chief administrative officer required her presence.

Bloom CME sent a draft report to Harper on June 16, 2023 “so she could respond to the allegations,” according to the report. After receiving no response, the consulting firm sent a letter to Harper’s lawyer asking what Harper “believes she reasonably requires to understand the allegations against her.” There was no response.

On July 6, 2023, Bloom CME sent another letter through the lawyer requesting an interview with Harper, who responded that she would only agree to provide a written response. A followup letter from Bloom CME two days later again requested a live interview, which Harper declined.

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