Calgary Herald letters, July 4: Parks neglected in favour of fancy new projects

Throughout the inner city, parks and public spaces are in a shameful state of neglect.

Weeds fill the planting beds. Garbage bins overflow. Dead trees and shrubs remain for years as a testament to the lack of maintenance. From Century Gardens to Barb Scott Park and Lois Szabo Commons, the absence of care is conspicuous and disheartening. All three of these are either new or recently renovated, and already the city’s disregard is vividly evident, as furniture remains graffitied and crabgrass becomes the dominant flora.

This, of course, is the Calgary way, so evident in public spaces such as Stephen Avenue and Olympic Plaza. Build it. Neglect it. Allow it to deteriorate for decades. Announce an expensive new “revitalization.” Build and unveil. Neglect. Rinse and repeat.

It is on our streets and in our local parks where we experience our city daily. Not in a new arena or fieldhouse or Arts Commons expansion. I support those larger civic investments, but not at the expense of my neighbourhood.

Please, City of Calgary, provide adequate funding to our parks and urban forestry departments.

Rob Jobst, Calgary

July 1 celebrations fell short

It was a disappointing day on July 1 at The Confluence. No Armed Forces. No Army, no RCN on the water, no RCAF flyby, no Mounties, no NWMP, no mounted Calgary police, no bagpipes, six empty tipis, one child prairie chicken dancer, a bunch of chanting kettle drummers, a lone drummer on the big stage, lots of food trucks, but no pancakes and syrup. No fireworks. No significant historical planning.

Shame on the organizers. Where was the heritage display of 141 years of Calgary incorporation?

I’ve paid taxes in this province for 62 years. Look at what Ottawa spent on celebrating 157 years of Confederation.

Calgary needs to show off our proud heritage to our immigrants. What we observed was a big disappointment. Our mayor and council dropped the ball on this Canada Day at old Fort Calgary.

We should have gone to Heritage Park.

G. E. Milne, Calgary

Grateful for being born Canadian

A lot of people use the word proud when they describe how they feel about being Canadian. 

I never do. I feel lucky to have been born here. Because I was born here, I have had so many advantages from the get-go.

So, despite Canada having a complicated history, I’m eternally grateful that this is where I happened to have been born.

Mary King, Calgary

Praise for health-care system

Three weeks ago, I contracted COVID in Greece. The long flight back to Calgary was hell. EMS delivered me to emergency at Rockyview Hospital. Breathing was difficult and the ER doc said if I made it through that first night, I might make it.

I was looked after in Unit 93 for 10 days. The doctors, nurses and other staff were excellent. The food was fine. Heck, for those who whine about hospital food, if you want four-star food, don’t do hospitals.

My full recovery is happening but will be slow, partly because I’m a senior in my early 80s. The new virtual hospital service I’m now connected to is excellent. Credits to all.

I’m not a health-care provider, just an ordinary person in need of occasional health care.

Thanks, Rockyview ER and all the staff on Unit 93. It couldn’t have been better.

Ron Erickson, Calgary

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