Veteran Marken Michel passing it forward on how to ‘play Stampeder football’

Hands-man solid in leading Red and White in 2024, both on the field with performance and off the field with youngsters

Marken Michel knew he had to catch on before he could be a catch-all receiver for the Calgary Stampeders.

He first had to understand what it meant to be a hands-man with the Horsemen.

Then came the catching — the physical stuff on the field.

“Guys definitely showed us how to come in and play Stampeder football,” recalled Michel, thinking back to his early years — from 2016 to 2018 in his first tour of CFL duty with the Red and White.

“K.J. (Kamar Jorden) and Marquay McDaniel … they showed us the standard,” continued Michel. “Those are the guys that showed us the ropes.”

Showed ’em well, it sure seems.

Indeed, then-young’uns Michel and fellow present-day Stampeders all-star baller Reggie Begelton blossomed under that tutelage to become — years later — major threats of the offence here in Calgary.

Case in point, last Saturday’s 22-19 overtime victory over the visiting Winnipeg Blue Bombers at McMahon Stadium, when both were focal points in the Stampeders attack.

The two veteran receivers were targeted a whopping 24 combined times, hauling in a total of 16 balls. Michel pulled down nine for 75 yards — both game-highs — and Begelton nabbed seven for 50 yards.

Calgary Stampeders wide receiver Reggie Begelton
Receiver Reggie Begelton, shown here at practice, had seven receptions in last Saturday’s win against the Bombers.Jim Wells/Postmedia

Michel grabbed the Stamps’ only TD of the tilt. That came with just 12 minutes remaining, when QB Jake Maier found the veteran receiver wide open just inside the end zone for the six-yard score.

“Pleased … yeah,” said Michel, who refuses to rest on his laurels. “But at the end of the day, we’ll have little mistakes. I’m not one to beat myself up over little mistakes, but you’ve got to correct them.

“There’s always room for improvement, and that’s what’s so exciting to me about the game — no matter how good you’re playing, and there’s always a way you can do something better.”

In a nutshell, finding a better way is Stampeder football in the receivers’ room — these days passed down from Michel and Begelton.

“Obviously, the first time I was here, we had so much all-stars and so many vets on this roster that those guys poured into me and showed me how it was done,” Michel said. “So I carried all that throughout the years when I was down south (in the NFL from 2019-22).

“And when I came back here last year, it was time for me to really step up and show the guys how we do it around here.

“Age had already stacked on the top my head, so I was one of the old guys in the room, which was different,” continued Michel, 30. “I think the fact that I was one of the older guys was the biggest difference to me. I had to set the example for the guys to show how Stampeder football is played.”

He’s doing that, alright.

In his return last season, Michel rivalled his best year statistically, with 48 catches and 710 receiving yards in 15 games.

Calgary Stampeders Marken Michel
Marken Michel has come out strong with 15 receptions and 167 yards through three games this season.Postmedia file photo

And this year, the 5-foot-11, 202-lb. native of Orlando, Fla., has come out strong with 15 receptions and 167 yards — both tops on Stamps — through three games. Begelton is next in catches on the club with 13, for 117 yards.

But Marken’s second stop with the Stamps is arguably more impressive, because he’s also embracing the teaching duties that come with being an older player.

“I’ve always been a leader since I was a child, but it was actually a role I tried to run away from for a long time,” Michel said. “But there’s some things, man, that God puts on you, that you can’t run away from. I wouldn’t necessarily say a vocal leader. I’m moreso a leader by action. You go show guys that you don’t let them see you sweat — go out there and have some fun and play the game how it’s supposed to be played.

“At the end of the day, we all love this game. You’ve been playing it since we were kids. When we were kids, it was fun then. So why shouldn’t it be fun now?”

Heading into Saturday’s battle (5 p.m., TSN, QR Calgary) with the first-place Montreal Alouettes (4-0), it has been fun so far this season with Michel and the Stampeders (2-1).

Thanks in part to the leadership he’s provided.

“Marken’s just been good,” said Stampeders GM/head coach Dave Dickenson, praising the fifth-year vet and former NCAA UMass Minutemen standout. “He loves the game. He’s comfortable in our system.

“The guys know he’ll lay it on the line.”

And they know he’ll show them the way.

“One hundred per cent, but we have a great group of guys,” said Michel, when talking of the youngsters — among others — such as Jalen Philpot, Clark Barnes, Cam Echols and Cole Tucker. “We have an outstanding room.

“I don’t think their young age is shown in their pursuit and in their approach to this game. Those guys come out here every single day as professionals — they make sure they do what they have to do off the field, and then they come out here out and execute.

“So they make our jobs easy. There’s not much we have to do — just constantly keep guys up in spirit and continue to push having fun to make things enjoyable.

“When I first came here, guys didn’t have to worry about me,” added Michel. “I made sure I came here and approached this game with a clear head. And the vets didn’t leave room for us to joke around and not take this thing seriously, because the standard was already set. It was either you were going to get down or you were going to lay down, so you were getting down with the program.”


Echols (undisclosed) and DB Demerio Houston (undisclosed) both missed practice Tuesday … But DB Bentlee Sanders (shoulder), who was sidelined for Saturday’s victory, returned to the field.

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