Jill’s unwavering support for Joe: Letters to the Editor — July 2, 2024

The Issue: First lady Jill Biden’s support for President Biden following his disastrous debate performance.

The quiet coup has already begun, and Jill Biden is likely heading the rogue team running our country (“No debate: First lady is in charge,” Miranda Devine, July 1).

This rogue team is desperate to hold on to its power. Thus, she claims it’s for the good of the nation that President Biden remains in office.

As a result, the United States is now exposed to all enemies, both foreign and domestic, ready to exploit Biden’s weakness and his team’s incompetence. The country now faces risks on a level unseen since World War II.

If he’s re-elected, such a rogue team will lead us into disaster.

Chris Bischof


The reason President Biden continues to run for a second term is because of his wife, Jill Biden, who refuses to give up the life and prestige associated with being First Lady.

Like many throughout history who have risen to the apex of society, Jill Biden refuses to see what a second term will do to her husband and the country. If you really want President Biden to step aside, you will have to confront Jill Biden —not the president.

John Lemandri

Williamsburg, Va.

First Lady Jill Biden gave a revelatory interview to Vogue magazine, insinuating that she is calling the shots in the White House by pushing President Biden “to take action in so many different areas” (“Jill stands by her [old] man,” June 29).

She could even be making decisions for Biden, given his decline. His aides have spoken about the times he is incoherent.

This is definitely elder abuse. Shame on her and others who keep pushing Biden to continue seeking a second term. It’s putting our country in a very dangerous position.

Kim Cody


Elder abuse is a crime, Jill, and parading Joe like a lost child is pathetic.

You bellowed, “You answered all the questions, Joe,” at that post-debate watch party visit. What else exactly was he supposed to do?

You’re complicit in this aberration. But I’m guessing perks and freebies are too much to lose.

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

The photo of Jill Biden on the front of Vogue magazine says it all. She is not only delusional but imagines herself dispensing “magic” through her mentally incapacitated husband.

Her input has been evident from the beginning.

Carole Shaw

Black Mountain, NC

It should be evident to everyone that Jill Biden’s idol is Edith Wilson, wife of former President Woodrow Wilson.

After Wilson’s stroke, her “stewardship” led her to become the “secret president,” and consequently the first woman to run the government. Jill aspires to acquire the same power just as soon as Joe completely loses it.

He is nine-tenths of the way there already, so she wouldn’t have to wait too long. It is disgraceful, the way she leads and parades him around.

Joseph Napoleone

Richmond Hill

Whatever is happening to this country is the fault of Jill Biden, who is forcing her husband to run for reelection.

Chances are she’s talked to Joe over and over about how he would be fine and that they would all be there for him and take care of him. And now Jill is still talking about how there is nothing wrong with his memory, even though he’s had a problem with gaffes for years.

What is also sad is that some people will vote for Biden simply because he is a Democrat.

Bunny Abraham


Jill Biden on the cover of Vogue? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Haven’t its editors ever heard of the supermodel and former First Lady Melania Trump?

Charles Prignano

Colorado Springs, Colo.

Jill Biden should be ashamed for propping up President Biden when he should be in a nursing home.

The whole world watched as he muttered, bumbled and froze up during the debate. Even the media can’t hide Biden’s infirmities.

Alan Webber

Cave Creek, Ariz.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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