Trump vs. Biden insane golf argument dominates debate; Bryson DeChambeau offers YouTube channel for presidential match

Depending how you look at it, the highlight or lowlight of Thursday’s U.S. presidential debate was when the fight for the future of the free world briefly turned into an argument over something seemingly far more important, who’s better at golf: Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

In the most heated moment of the night, Trump and Biden went at it over who would win if the two traded the debate stage for a golf course.

One big takeaway from the U.S. presidential debate is that the race for the most powerful job in the world is certainly between two great golfers. That is, if you are crazy enough to believe anything either one said about their life on the links.

“I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him,” Biden said. “I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six. But, by the way, I told you, I’m happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”

“That’s the biggest lie, that he’s a six handicap, of all,” Trump responded.

“I was an eight handicap,” Biden answered, forgetting that 10 seconds earlier he was a six handicap.

“Never,” Trump retorted, shaking his head. “I’ve seen your swing, I know your swing. Let’s not act like children.”

“You are a child,” Biden said, ending one of the great exchanges in presidential golf history.

U.S. Open champion Bryson DeChambeau offered to help the two candidates put an end to the debate, the debate about golf that is.

“Let’s settle this whole handicap debate, I’ll host the golf match on my YouTube,” DeChambeau posted.

Yes, if taken at their word, you’d have to believe that Biden recently was a six handicap (or was it an eight?) during his time as Vice President.

But Trump is never one to be out-blustered, especially when it comes to golf, as he answered a question about his health by explaining that he is the reigning club champion at, not one but two, golf clubs.

“I just won two club championships, not even senior,” Trump said. “Two regular club championships. To do that you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way, and I do it. He doesn’t do it. He can’t hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match, he can’t hit a ball 50 yards.”

If we’re judging lies, these two are pretty close to equal.

It doesn’t take a golf pro to watch Biden’s swing and know with virtual certainty that he’s nowhere near a six handicap, and hasn’t been one in the past 15 years, which was when he began his terms as Barack Obama’s vice president.

As for Trump, it’s actually a near certainty that his name is indeed on two club championship trophies from this year, and it’s also a near certainty that both golf clubs have his name in the title. The biggest question with Trump is the accuracy of his scorekeeping and just how competitive was the rest of the members are knowing that everyone is likely one Donald tantrum away from losing their membership.

For the record, the USGA site lists Biden as a 6.7 handicap and Trump as a 2.5. Also for the record, they are both full of it.

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