Ashley Biden mocked after struggling with LGBTQ acronym at White House event: ‘It runs in the family’

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 

First daughter Ashley Biden was mocked on social media Wednesday over a verbal stumble during a White House Pride Month event that many likened to President Biden’s habitual gaffes

“Too many LGBTQ children grow up in homes that don’t accept them,” the 43-year-old social worker told the crowd gathered on the South Lawn of the White House, during a speech where she stood alongside her mother – First Lady Jill Biden – and stressed the importance of children feeling “loved, accepted and supported.” 

First daughter Ashley Biden was mocked after she struggled with the LGBTQ acronym at a White House Pride Month event on Wednesday. AFP via Getty Images

About a quarter of the way into her 4-minute-long remarks, Ashley Biden flubbed the widely recognized term used to represent sexual orientations and gender identities. 

“LGBCT…“ the first daughter appeared to say, before quickly closing her eyes and recovering.   

“LGBTQ students deserve to be safe at school, at home and in their communities. Period,” she self-corrected. 

Republicans and X users were quick to tease the 81-year-old president’s daughter over the slip-up. 

“L-G-B-what now?” The Republican National Committee’s RNC Research X account posted, including a video of Ashley flubbing the acronym. 

About a quarter of the way into her 4-minute-long remarks, Ashley Biden flubbed the widely recognized term used to represent sexual orientations and gender identities.  Getty Images

The White House was decorated in the colors of the rainbow as the first daughter wore a matching dress for Wednesday’s event. Getty Images

Several social media users quipped that verbal hiccups must be hereditary. 

“She’s a true Biden,” one X user argued. 

“Like father, like daughter,” another person chimed in. 

“Obviously it runs in the family,” another X post read.

One person joked that the White House could be responsible for Ashely’s flub. 

“They had the teleprompter set to ‘Biden,’” the tweeter wrote. 

Several social media users quipped that verbal hiccups must be hereditary.  AP

The president did not attend the Pride Month celebration, as he remains in Maryland, at Camp David, prepping for his Thursday debate with former President Donald Trump. 

Ashley touted her dad’s administration as being “the most pro-equality administration in history” during her brief remarks. 

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