Bell: Hey Toronto, took you long enough to figure out Trudeau

Earlier this week a swanky riding in Toronto saw the light. They really did. It was national news

Took you long enough.

Yes, earlier this week a swanky riding in Toronto saw the light. They really did. It was national news.

Enough of these Toronto residents didn’t vote for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal candidate, allowing Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives and their candidate to win in a byelection.


Finally they figured out the Trudeau we’ve known for years.

After nine years, nine long years, nine lost years, they finally saw through the drama teacher playing at politics.

Finally, enough of them realized what we out here in the boondocks have been telling them over and over and over again.

It was a message they ignored over and over and over again.

Yes, they bought Trudeau hook, line and sinker.

The people in the centre of the universe who are seen as so much smarter, so much more enlightened, so much more subtle and sophisticated in their political choices were wowed by this guy.

They embraced him. They excused his faults and there are many.

Sunny ways, my friends.

They were sucked in by happy talk, by the perceived charisma, by Trudeau’s supposed commitment to working-class Canadians.

Now it is those working-class Canadians on the short end of the stick in a game stacked against the very folks who make this country work.

They said they couldn’t vote for former Conservative leaders Andrew Scheer and Erin O’Toole.

Now neither of these men set the world on fire but many of those folks in the Toronto area were still holding on to their Trudeau.

What was it?

The fact he was a Trudeau and his father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, is a near-saint in their universe.

Was it the way he spoke, often full of empty calories but sweet sounding?

No matter the evidence Trudeau was, as once described by former Alberta premier Jason Kenney in a column of this scribbler, an empty trust-fund millionaire who had the political depth of a finger bowl and couldn’t read a briefing note longer than a cocktail napkin.

Kenney apologized for that description when grilled by the horrified folks down east but he was right.

How bad did it have to get to wean them off their beloved Trudeau?

The inflation, the interest-rate hikes, the cost of living, the gap between the haves and the have-nots, the housing crisis, paycheques being eaten alive, a criminal justice system that’s a bad joke, an immigration system that is out of control, a government that is crony infested and corrupt, the prime minister’s often bizarre foreign policy pronouncements?

When did the usual drivel from their favourite son about the mean Conservatives, the mean, small-minded Conservatives foisting a horrible nation-destroying austerity on the land no longer cut it for this self-styled smart set?

How was it folks in places like Alberta, Saskatchewan and in those parts of Ontario where common sense still means something put two and two together on this guy?

Where was Toronto? Until this week they were nowhere to be found.

They were sleeping in their Liberal-induced hibernation.

Couldn’t they have managed to get us out of this political hell earlier?

Did we really have to endure Trudeau for nine nasty nightmare years?

Was Canada really better off with all that suffering?

Justin Trudeau
Liberal candidate for Toronto-St. Paul’s, Leslie Church, left, watches as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, centre, speaks to supporters at a campaign volunteer event, in Toronto on Thursday, May 30, 2024.Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press

And Trudeau still insists he hears our frustration and recognizes these are not easy times.

“My focus is your success and that’s where it’s going to stay.”

Will they now gag in Toronto along with the rest of us?

The Trudeau Liberals don’t seem to be all there.

At least in their talk they cling to Trudeau.

Chrystia Freeland, the deputy PM, Trudeau’s sidekick, rattles off a laundry list of Canada’s economics.

She calls them “economic proof points.”

Freeland has an easy time pontificating but a difficult time when the press start asking tough questions.

When asked about whether the Trudeau Liberals will have a radical change in strategy since their game plan is obviously useless, Freeland dodges the question.

Has Toronto turned down the volume on Freeland as the rest of us have?

I hate to tell you so Toronto but we told you so, us folks far from the centre of the universe.

Trudeau should not be prime minister of this country.

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