St. Paul RCMP officer now charged with luring after April child porn arrest

The 33-year-old constable had previously been released on conditions stemming from April charges of two counts of possessing, distributing, and accessing child pornography

The latest charges come after the RCMP’s eastern Alberta general investigative section in mid-June began investigating a man for soliciting sex with underage females online, police said in a Monday news release.

The 33-year-old constable had previously been released on conditions stemming from April charges of two counts of possessing, distributing, and accessing child pornography. Those charges came following an investigation by the province’s Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) team.

That investigation began in November 2023 when two videos depicting child sexual exploitation were uploaded to Snapchat, said ALERT.

ALERT was notified via the RCMP’s National Child Exploitation Crime Centre.

The man’s identity was only learned in late April 2024 and ICE investigators moved quickly to make an arrest.

Evidence was seized from a St. Paul home following a search warrant operation.

A forensic investigation is being conducted on the devices seized by police..

While the investigation and charges are related to online offences, the nature of the accused’s employment placed him in a position of trust and authority, noted ALERT.

Evan Peacock has been charged with one count of luring a child and one count of failure to comply with release order conditions.

He remains suspended with pay, stemming from April’s charges, and has now been remanded into custody.

His next court appearance is scheduled for July 4 at the St. Paul court of justice, about 194 km northeast of Edmonton.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to correct the headline.

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