Latimer slams Bowman’s ‘inappropriate’ off-the-rails rally on eve of NY primary

Westchester County Executive George Latimer on Monday rebuked his embattled Democratic rival Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s potty-mouthed recent rally.

Latimer copped to The Post that he occasionally uses bad language, but said Bowman’s F-bomb-filled weekend Bronx rally was “inappropriate.”

“I think there has been a lot of criticism lobbed at me by my opponent that’s unfair and inaccurate,” he said during a “get out the vote” event with clergy members from The Bronx and Westchester.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer called his rival Jamaal Bowman’s recent expletive-filled rally “inappropriate.” Getty Images

“But I don’t think I get the right to lose my temper. I don’t think I get the right to curse in public.”

Latimer’s low-key condemnation contrasted with Bowman’s boisterous Bronx performance as Tuesday’s highly-watched primary neared.

The “Squad” member took the stage alongside Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and, among other viral moments, blasted the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that raised millions to help oust the prominent Israel critic.

“We are gonna show f–king AIPAC the power of the motherf–king South Bronx,” Bowman said.

Jamaal Bowman drew criticism for a weekend rally in The Bronx. REUTERS

Bowman’s rally drew a modest crowd of about 300 people, a number that was mocked online.

Latimer fared far worse at his own event Monday, which was attended by just eight clergy members and 16 members of the media, including The Post.

Latimer, however, might have the advantage when it comes to turnout at the polls Tuesday in the heated race for the 16th Congressional District.

Bowman and AOC’s antics earned them Monday’s cover of The Post.

He carried a 48% to 31% edge over Bowman in a recent Emerson College poll.

Early election data provided to The Post also showed favorable signs for a Latimer victory, with registered Democrats coming out in strong numbers within Westchester areas he’s expected to carry.

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