Cannibal served human flesh and called it ‘French fried boy’ to friends at barbecue

Nathaniel Bar-Jonah is accused if serving human flesh at several cookouts he held
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah is accused if serving human flesh at several cookouts he held (Pictures: AP)

A convicted child killer served his neighbours human flesh disguised as deer meat.

Nathaniel Bar-Jonah served up what he called little boy pot pie and French fried boy during barbecues at his home in 1999.

He is believed to have served up the human meat in pies, burgers, casseroles, chilli and spaghetti.

When his guests said that it had a ‘peculiar taste’ he told them he had made them using deer meat.

Bar-Jonah was arrested a year later and during a search of his house, police found several recipes that included child body parts.

One of his victims was Zachary Xerxes Ramsay who vanished on his way to school in 1996.

Nathaniel Bar-Jonah was a convicted child predator and murderer
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah was a convicted child predator and murderer (Pictures: AP)

Bar-Jonah, from Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1957, was seven years old when he started picking at his scabs and sucking the blood. He showed an ‘insatiable appetite’.

In the 1970s, Bar-Jonah allegedly kidnapped and sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl. He was accused over the next two decades of posing as a cop to lure kids to his home.

A cookout guest told Bar-Jonah that his meat tasted ‘repulsive’, and he claimed that he ‘hunted, killed, butchered and wrapped the meat’ of the deer on his own. The woman’s child later became one of Bar-Jonah’s victims.

Nathaniel Bar-Jonah was sentenced to 130 years in prison and died in 2008
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah was sentenced to 130 years in prison and died in 2008 (Picture: AP)

Bar-Jonah was working part-time at a kitchen at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana when Ramsay went missing. Some speculated that he was cooking some of the child’s remains and feeding them to his co-workers to get rid of evidence.

A roommate said Ramsay was not found because he had been ‘chopped up’ and scattered in different locations.

FBI agents recovered notebooks in which Bar-Jonah described torturing children and eating them.

Bar-Jonah was sentenced to 130 years behind bars without parole for kidnapping, aggravated assault and sexual assault of several kids. He died in 2008 in prison.


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