Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower shines light on gender madness

Bravo to a courageous nurse for shining yet more light on the gender extremists: Vanessa Sivadge, of the Texas Children’s Hospital, has detailed in an exclusive Post interview how woke doctors manipulated parents into agreeing to medically transition their kids by threatening them with possible suicides.  

Yet the FBI is hounding her for daring to speak out. 

No shock there: The feds also came knocking at the door of Eithan Haim, a former TCH surgeon, after he blew the whistle on gender extremism — and now he faces a four-count felony indictment. 

Vanessa Sivadge, a nurse the Texas Children’s Hospital, has detailed in an exclusive Post interview how woke doctors manipulated parents into agreeing to medically transition their kids by threatening them with possible suicides.   Vanessa Sivadge

Sivage recounts the litany so horrifyingly familiar

Kids with all kinds of mental health issues — suicide attempts, depression and anxiety — being teed up for transition (plus kids with autism). 

By doctors whom, Sivadge claims, are lying about the nature of the treatments in order to get around a Texas ban on Medicaid paying for them, pretending the hormones are for deficiencies. 

Sivadge claims doctors are lying about the nature of the treatments in order to get around a Texas ban on Medicaid paying for them. Vanessa Sivadge

Doctors who reportedly failed to inform parents about the lifelong risks that hormone treatments bring with them, including serious ones like infertility. 

All while allegedly playing Big Brother with parents skeptical of their Mengele-esque plans to shoot healthy kids up with life-altering drugs, allegedly noting in charts which moms and dads dared to question their authority. 

For telling the truth about these obscenities, Sivadge faced down ugly threats from FBI thugs who wanted her help in nailing Haim. 

For telling the truth about these obscenities, Sivadge faced threats from FBI thugs who wanted her help in nailing Eithan Haim, a former TCH surgeon, after he blew the whistle on gender extremism .  Vanessa Sivadge

Per Sivadge, the Justice Department’s “Trans-Your-Kids” goon squad was explicit about the reason for the visit: “We’re here because we’re aware of your views on transgender medicine.”  

So Sivadge, Haim andSt. Louis whistleblower Jamie Reed all deserve our thanks for exposing how widespread the problem is. 

And what renders it especially monstrous is that fact that there is not now and has never been any good evidence for transing kids. 

Doctors who reportedly failed to inform parents about the lifelong risks that hormone treatments bring with them, including serious ones like infertility. google

That’s why European nations have turned against this madness.

That much of the American medical establishment remains devoted to it is horrific.

And that the feds are deploying the FBI against whistleblowers is a grotesque perversion of justice.  

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