Moment schoolboy is rescued after falling down cliff while having his photo taken

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This is the moment a teenage schoolboy who had plunged off a 60ft cliff was saved by rescuers.

The 15-year-old had been on a school geography field trip when he posed for a photo near the edge of the cliffs at Old Harry Rocks, near Swanage, Dorset.

He somehow lost his footing close to the precipice and fell over the edge.

His teachers and classmates watched in horror as he disappeared.

The teenager landed on his side of a shingle bed at the base of the chalk cliffs and remarkably, he was seen to get to his feet and walk towards the shore.

Video footage from the Swanage RNLI crew shows the moment they arrived at the foot of Old Harry Rocks.

They point to a group of kayakers who were nearby when it happened, with one lifeboatman noticing they didn’t look ‘too alarmed’.

They then confirmed reports that the boy was ‘walking wounded’.

When they reached him they confirmed he had survived the dramatic fall with just a cut to his head and a scratch to his back.

He was checked over by an ambulance crew at Knoll Beach, Studland, and was given the all clear. (01202 558833) Pic: RNLI/BNPS Pictured: The boy being transported by lifeboat A boy of 15 has had a miracle escape after he fell 80ft off a sheer cliff while he posed for a photo on a school trip. The schoolboy lost his footing as he stood close to the precipice of the cliff at Old Harry Rocks, near Swanage, Dorset. His teachers and classmates watched in horror as he disappeared over the edge and feared the worst. The lad landed on a shingle bed at the base of the chalk cliffs and, remarkably, was seen to get to his feet and walk towards the shore.
A team of lifeguards found the young boy who had been playing football with friends just moments before falling off the cliff (Picture: RNLI/BNPS)

Old Harry Rocks in Studland, Dorset
The incident happened at the Old Harry Rocks in Studland, Dorset

The boy, who has not been named, later phoned his mother to let her know what happened, and coastguards said they can’t fathom how the boy was not killed or seriously injured.

Ian Brown, of the Swanage coastguard, said the teen would have had to walk past a warning sign urging people to stay away from the edge of the cliff at the famous beauty spot.

He said he was told the boy had asked for his photograph to be taken of himself by a friend when the accident happened at 1.55pm on Thursday.

Mr Brown said: ‘The 15-year-old boy was on a school trip from London doing a geography field study. The pupils were all advised not to go tpoo close to the edge but he wanted a picture of himself next to it.

‘His friend was meant to take the photo but as he did the boy fell over the edge. Whether he lost his footing and slipped I don’t know but it was a sheer drop of 60ft

‘His teachers were beside themselves and students probably thought the worst. But they saw him quite quickly get up and start walking towards the shore.’

The tide was out at the time and it is thought the boy landed on shingle that was on top of soft seaweed.

The Swanage lifeboat crew attended the scene and a volunteer found the boy below the cliffs ‘virtually uninjured’.

He was placed on the inshore lifeboat and taken to Knoll Beach where he was examined by ambulance paramedics and spoken to by coastguards.

Mr Brown said: ‘He had a cut to his head and a scratch on his back but that was it. He said he landed on shingle on his side.

‘We can’t quite fathom how he survived virtually uninjured.

‘I spoke with him and told him he wasn’t in trouble but that we wanted to find out what had happened. He just shrugged it off and said he was fine. He wasn’t shocked but his teachers were telling him that he didn’t know how lucky he was.’

The boy was wearing tracksuit bottoms and trainers and was shirtless at the time from where he and friends has just played a game of football.

Mr Brown said: ‘People visiting the coast should stay away from the edge of cliffs because you just don’t know what the ground is like.’

The schoolboy is not the first person to survive the sheer fall off Old Harry Rocks.

In 2021 28-year-old Alex Tridico had a miraculous escape when he lost his footing and plunged off the cliff.

On that occasion the tide was in and he landed in shallow water.

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