Fatal stabbing victim ‘stood his ground’ when two males rushed him and his friends, court told

‘Danillo stood his ground,’ his best friend said. ‘He kind of ducked down a little bit, holding his eyes’

When two males rushed a small group of teens playing basketball on a southeast Calgary court and started pepper spraying them, Danillo Canales Glenn stood his ground, his best friend testified Monday.

But moments later, Tanner de Groot, who fled from the irritant spray before returning to the court, found himself performing CPR on his mortally wounded buddy, he told a Calgary courtroom.

On trial for second-degree murder in Canales Glenn’s death is a youth who can’t be named. His older brother faces the same allegation in adult court.

De Groot testified he, Canales Glenn and Caden Langdon had gone to an outdoor rink pad in the southeast community of Copperfield the evening of Sept. 5, 2023, to shoot baskets.

While there they noticed two males “eyeballing” the rink, which along with the three friends included a larger group of young kids inside the arena area.

“Danillo stated .  . . ‘Hey, what are you looking at,’ and they started to charge into the basketball court,” de Groot said.

He told Crown prosecutor Vicki Faulkner he tried to calm the situation, but to no avail.

“I said, ‘Hey, guys, it’s not worth it today . . . like, back off, leave us alone,’” he said.

“My attempt to de-escalate the situation, to get everyone to go on their merry way, failed.”

He said the males, who appeared Middle Eastern but had hoods pulled over their heads, continued to approach and one pulled a can of “bear spray” from a fanny pack.

“Did they say anything?” Faulkner asked.

“No, they were completely silent,” de Groot replied.

He said when the one individual started discharging the spray, he and Langdon fled.

“Danillo stood his ground,” de Groot said.

“He kind of ducked down a little bit, holding his eyes,” he said, demonstrating how his friend tried to shield his eyes from the spray with his hands.

Danillo Canales Glenn
Danillo Canales Glenn, the victim of a fatal stabbing in southeast Calgary on Sept. 5, 2023.GoFundMe photo

Within a minute or two, de Groot returned to the rink area where Canales Glenn said he’d been stabbed.

“Were the two individuals still in the rink?” Faulkner asked.

“No, they were fleeing.”

He said he told the victim to lie on the ground while he attended to his wound.

“I observed the stab wound in his chest. His white tank top was now completely soaked in blood on the left side,” de Groot said.

“That’s where he was stabbed.”

He said he got Langdon to run to his SUV where de Groot kept a first-aid kit, and then used gauze to apply pressure to the wound.

At one point his friend stopped breathing and he could feel no pulse, so he performed chest compressions.

Under cross-examination, defence lawyer Alain Hepner pointed out that in his police statement just hours after his friend’s fatal stabbing he was only able to identify one of the two assailants as Middle Eastern.

But de Groot said he recalls seeing the hand of the other suspect and remembers both as appearing to be that ethnicity.

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