Check your child’s swimwear before you go on holiday this summer — it could just save their life

Three happy kids swimming underwater in pool
Parents are being urged to check their child’s swimwear this summer (Picture: Getty Images)

As the summer holidays approach, countless families across the UK are set to head off on their travels – many of whom will seek out a beach or swimming pool of sorts.

However, new research has uncovered that millions of children are being put in unnecessary danger when swimming because they own swimwear that cannot be seen underwater.

According to the new statistics, two-thirds (66%) of children wear blue, white or grey swimming costumes – so if they get into trouble in the water, they could be extremely difficult to spot. Worryingly, blue is also the most popular colour of swimwear for children in the UK.

The study showed that 90% of parents didn’t know that certain swimwear colours are not visible underwater, while the same figure believed that there should be more awareness on the subject.

Launching an online petition backed by Olympic gold medallist Rebecca Adlington, package holiday specialists On The Beach are highlighting the importance of swimwear safety, calling on the incoming government to review legislation around selling blue, white and grey-coloured swimwear marketed at children.

Children having fun in the sea on summer vacations, swimming, splashing and playing in the sea with inflatable ring
Parents have been advised to use bright swimwear this summer (Picture: Getty Images)

Notably, despite being a professional swimmer, Rebecca herself wasn’t conscious of the risk this could pose until relatively recently.

‘I’ve swam my entire life and I’ve only recently become aware that there are certain colours that can’t be seen underwater. As a parent, I feel like I should have been aware of this sooner,’ Rebecca said of the campaign, which is also being supported by Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK).

‘Alongside On the Beach, I’m urging the future government to review the legislation around selling blue, white and grey swimwear to children so that retailers are being safe and helping look after our children by not selling unseeable swimwear that could put them in danger.’

So, why are these colours so difficult to see in the water? And how can parents keep their children safe while swimming? According to colour expert Lee Chambers, it’s all down to light.

‘It can be much harder to see swimwear in blue, white and grey due to how water interacts differently with certain wavelengths of light, how we perceive colour at depth when submersed, lack of light reflection and how colour blends when underwater,’ Lee explains.

Colours of swimwear that can be seen underwater

  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Black
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Fluorescent colours.

‘The lack of contrast, disruption of outline and camouflage effect can all play a role in making swimwear in these colours difficult to discern, lack visibility and go unnoticed, a potential safety risk in comparison to colours that reflect light and have a sharper contrast.’

As such, On The Beach is urging parents to check their children’s swimwear before going away this summer, encouraging them to replace any blue, white and grey with brighter alternatives – the approved list of which includes pink, yellow, red, black, purple, green and fluorescent colours.

‘I’m horrified that so many retailers are putting children in potential danger by selling swimwear that can’t be seen underwater,’ said Zoe Harris, chief customer officer at On the Beach.

‘Either retailers aren’t aware of the dangers, or they simply can’t see past the fact that these colours are some of the most popular ones that keeps the cash rolling in. They need to do better by their customers and put safety before profits.’

Colours of swimwear that can’t be seen underwater

  • Blue
  • White
  • Grey.

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