‘Yemen, Yemen, make us proud’: Anti-Israel protesters pledge support to Houthi militants

Anti-Israel demonstrators marched in downtown Toronto on Saturday pledging their support for the Yemen-based militant Houthi group that has targeted international shipping lines

Anti-Israel demonstrators marched on Saturday and pledged their support to the Houthi rebels, a group that has targeted international shipping lines in recent months.

“Yemen, Yemen, make us proud! Turn another ship around!” protesters chanted in front of City Hall in downtown Toronto, referring to a Yemen-based outfit backed by Iran.

Toronto4Palestine called for an end to the “brutal 76-year-long occupation,” referring to their goal of dismantling Israel – tied to the state’s establishment in 1948 – rather than advocating for a two-state solution comprised of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

“Honest people must ask themselves, ‘Why is the je*wish occupation lying about many of the ‘barbaric’ actions that took place on Saturday?’ They are using these made-up acts of cruelty and barbarism to tell the world a mini Holocaust just happened to them again. Is it possible that if they are lying about these events and creating a false genocide it is likely they may have lied about certain details of a previous big genocide that may have occurred?”

The anti-Israel activists, many of them carrying massive Palestine flags and had their faces covered, walked through a Jewish neighbourhood in North York to get to the ravine and intimidated several local residents along the way.

“F***ing filthy f***in Zionist pig,” one masked male demonstrator screamed at an onlooker. “You’re a dirty Zionist rat. That’s what you are. Happy about killing babies, right? Happy about killing babies?”

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