Bike-riding bigot hurls dog poop into car and shouts antimsemitic slur in disgusting NYC attack

A deranged bicycle-riding bigot is on the loose after he hurled a handful of dog poop into an open car window in Manhattan while yelling an antisemitic profanity.

The suspect accosted a 32-year-old man on the sidewalk at the corner of Howard Street and Broadway in SoHo on June 4 around 2 p.m., according to police.

“F–k you, Jew,” the suspect yelled, police sources told The Post.

He then tossed a bag full of dog feces at the victim, which landed in his open car window.

After that the suspect fled on a bicycle.

The suspect peddled away after hurling a bag of poop at the victim, which landed in an open car window in SoHo
The suspect peddled away after hurling a bag of poop at the victim, which landed in an open car window in SoHo DCPI

He was seen escaping in footage released by the NYPD.

It is unclear if the victim – who did not know the suspect – was Jewish.

The victim was not physically hurt in the disgusting attack.

Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime and aggravated harassment.

The suspect appeared to be a middle-aged man with blonde hair, according to footage from his escape.

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