Warning labels are next fight in left’s pointless war over gas stoves

Green crusaders never met a modern convenience they didn’t hate: In the next battle of the great gas stove war, enviro groups are pushing bills in New York, California and elsewhere to slap warning labels on the appliances over alleged toxic fumes they emit. 

Yes, that’s clearly a pressing issue, as opposed to minor troubles like rampant crime, drugs and homelessness.

Worse, the claims that gas stoves are toxic is 100% hot air

Gas burner
Environmentalists want more people to be aware of the toxins emitted by gas stoves. AP

A massive study covering hundreds of thousands of participants found zero — nada, zip, zilch — correlation between the use of gas stoves and asthma.

The claim that they’re harmful comes from hard-left advocacy group the Rocky Mountain Institute, which is pushing this narrative to forward its goal of decarbonizing everything.

And the warning-label bills are pretty clearly battlespace prep for a federal ban effort.

Please, weep the induction-stove trade lobbyists.

Won’t somebody think of the children?

But it’s plainly the green extremists driving policy, and on a lot more than stoves: They’ve made it vastly more expensive to install central AC via 2023 Biden admin regulations; more such regs are set to take effect in 2025.

And they’ve waged a yearslong battle on dishwashers and washing machines, pushing Obama-era regs that made them less effective (e.g., with run times closing on two hours), overridden in the Trump years but again pushed by the Biden Energy Department.

The grens are terrified of all these modern gadgets like indoor plumbing and electricity. 

It’s an “unfrozen caveman” vibe: Grug no like noise from clean-clothes box. Grug scared!

All this is done in the name of lowering emissions.

As if what’s driving climate change are old-model Frigidaires (not, say, China’s coal-burning power plants, about which greens by and large remain oddly silent). 

And funnily enough, the same people who want you to go through life with dirty clothes and force you to cook everything on glorified hot plates never demand more nuclear power

(Many of them, like Veep Kamala Harris, also have gas ranges.)

Indeed, in the Empire State, the climate fanatics joined the drive that got the Indian Point nuclear plant shut down, driving up emissions in the process.

Nice work, guys!

Proving all this is about power of the political and social variety

These weirdos claim to care about the planet, but in action it’s all about simply telling you what to do, even when it makes no real sense. 

Forcing Americans to abandon 21st-century living standards — or heck, 20th-century ones — just warms the cockles of their hearts.

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