Inside the abandoned airport that only opens to the public once a month

CN0911 An aircraft spanning the entrance to Airport House, the original terminal building for the old Croydon Airport.
Croydon Airport is steeped in history(Picture: Alamy Stock Photo)

There’s a joke that Croydon is so far, you need to take a flight to get there. And back in the day, that might have been an option.

That’s because the area had one of the most iconic airports in the UK, steeped in history and record-breaking firsts.

Obviously no longer in use, Croydon Airport used to be one of the biggest flight hubs back in its heyday.

London Croydon Airport played a major role in the development of global air travel after World War One, and has a significant place in early 20th century British history – in fact, it launched the UK’s first ever international flights.

Despite its record-breaking beginnings, the airport is now defunct and no longer in operation.

Built in 1920, the airport was especially pertinent during World War II, before it was bombed in 1940 in one of the first raids in London.

BB0Y5J Airport house Croydon. Image shot 2009. Exact date unknown.
You can now visit the former airport turned museum(Picture: Alamy Stock Photo)

The flight hub continued to operate since then but shut down permanently in 1958 after the launch of Heathrow and Gatwick.

There’s still a chance to look inside the former flight terminals, though, as it has since opened as a museum.

However, it only opens to the public once a month and spots for the museum book up very quickly, so you’ll want to act quickly.

Croydon Airport Visitor Centre is free to enter with the option of giving an £8 donation. 

The next available date is July 7, and tickets are available from June 23, which you can book online.

Aerial view of London Airport, 1925. London's first airport opened in 1920 at Croydon. It was created by amalgamating two adjacent World War I airfields, Waddon Aerodrome and Beddington Aerodrome. (Photo by Historica Graphica Collection/Heritage Images/Getty Images)
Croydon Airport hosted the first international flights out of the uk (Picture: Getty Images/ Hulton Archive)

Airports now have a lot to thank Croydon Airport for, given that the establishment made some historic achievements.

Significantly, the airport introduced the world to two types of specialised airport technical buildings, including an airport terminal and air traffic control tower, according to Historic Croydon.

In 1928, it had the world’s largest airport terminal and was the departure point for world-breaking pilots such as Amy Johnson, who was the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia. 

It also hosted other pioneering aviators, including Jim Mollison, Mary Bailey, and Arthur Clouston with Betty Kirby-Green.

An aerial view of two passenger planes parked in front of Croydon Airport, London, July 21st 1953. (Photo by Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
The Airport was damaged during World War Two (Picture: Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Before the days of British Airways, Croydon Airport carried Britain’s first national airline, Imperial Airways, and had some of the first routes across Europe, Asia and Australia.

You might not be an aviation buff but you’ll appreciate this – the invention of ‘Mayday’ as an international distress call was first established at Croydon Airport.

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