Left-wing media try to cover up Joe’s obvious mental decline, DHS boss Alejandro Mayorkas pretends Biden’s shown ‘leadership’ and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This charge:

“An insidious trend in right-wing media . . . [is] to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos . . . to cast doubt on President Biden’s fitness.”

— MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace, Monday

We say: Biden apologists like Wallace sure know how to take their cues from the White House, which dismissed revealing videos of the president as “cheap fakes.”

Yet viewers could see with their own eyes Biden freezing up at a Juneteenth concert and an LA fundraiser and wandering off at the G-7.

And that dovetails with his rapid decline since taking office, clearly visible in his increasingly awkward gait and his slurred and confused speech.

The only “cheap fakes” circulating are those put out by the White House and its army of media gaslighters.

This assertion:

“The steps I’m taking today are overwhelmingly supported by the American people.”

— President Biden, Tuesday

We say: Biden can claim whatever support he wants for his latest illegal mass-amnesty actions.

Yet polling from CBS News — hardly a right-wing, Biden-hating outlet — found that a whopping 62% of Americans are in favor of a national program to deport all illegal immigrants. 

This claim:

“I put my hand on her . . . And the lumps that were there were no longer there.”

Rep. Cori Bush, in a recently surfaced 2022 interview

We say: Far-left Squad member Rep. Cori Bush has said some pretty wacky things, particularly when it comes to Israel and its war against Hamas terrorists.

But her claims of having miraculously healed people — which she wrote about in a little noticed 2022 autobiography and repeated in a PBS interview that year — truly take the cake.

How can a woman like this serve in Congress?  

This boast:

“We have taken action in the face of congressional inaction repeatedly. And that is what is called leadership.”

— DHS boss Alejandro Mayorkas, Tuesday, on Biden’s mass-amnesty steps

We say: Hmm. Until recently, President Biden claimed he lacked the power to take any action to end the border nightmare.

Yet with the ’24 election nearing and the border a key issue for voters, Biden announced new powers he suddenly discovered to let him limit the number of illegal migrants crossing.

That, too, proved a charade, with thousands still hopping over daily.

Now Mayorkas brags that Biden’s latest mass amnesty is evidence of  “leadership.”

Please: It clearly circumvents the constitutional requirement for Congress to pass such massive changes.

It also shows the president’s more worried about radical open-borders voters than the concerns of the rest of the country. That’s “leadership”?

Compiled by the The Post Editorial Board

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