Two kids, woman with dog attacked by crazed elks in separate incidents in Colorado park: ‘Never seen a year like this’

Oh, deer!

Colorado wildlife officials are warning locals to hoof it if they spot a angry elk at a Centennial State park after two young children, a woman and her dog were attacked by the crazed beasts in three recent separate incidents.

The stomping attacks sent the two young visitors at the recreational hot spot in the town of Estes Park to the hospital — and the woman needing medical treatment, Colorado Parks and Wildlife said in a release Friday.

“Cow elk with young calves are known to be aggressive, however we’ve never seen a year like this,” agency Wildlife Manager Jason Duetsch said in a statement. “All three attacks have been unprovoked and unfortunate accidents.

Elk attacks in Colorado.
Three visitors at Estes Park in Colorado were recently separately attacked by elks. Denver Post via Getty Images

“We have no clear evidence to suggest these attacks were from the same animal, which underscores how uncommon the elk behavior has been,” he added.

Officials said the attacks likely involved elk moms protecting their nearby young.

In the latest attack Friday, the woman was walking her dog on a leash when she startled an elk cow from about 20 yards away — and it took off toward her and her frightened pup.

The woman tried to duck behind a tree, but the animal knocked her to the ground and kicked her several times, forcing her to seek medical attention, the parks agency said.

Last Monday, a 4-year-old boy was playing in the park playground near where two elk cows were hidden behind a rocky area — and one ended up charging the child and stomping on him before the animal was scared away by shocked relatives and bystanders, the Denver Gazette said.

On May 30, an 8-year-old girl was riding her bike when an elk charged at her from about 60 yards away, knocking the youngster over and sending her to the hospital, the outlet said.

Elk attacks in Estes Park.
Colorado wildlife officials said elk cows are particularly dangerous this time of year as they guard their young. Denver Post via Getty Images

All three victims suffered non-life-threatening injuries, officials said.

“The best way to prevent an elk attack is to keep your distance,” park officials said. “If an elk seems overly interested in you or is displaying aggressive behavior, leave the scene immediately.

“Being highly aware of your surroundings is also beneficial,” the statement said. “Elk can tend to go unnoticed when in rocky, shadowed or wooded areas.”

Meanwhile, a Colorado Springs man shot and killed a deer Friday night after the animal attacked several dogs and a pregnant woman in that town, CBS News said in a report.

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