I started having contractions at a Taylor Swift gig but danced through the pain to hold off giving birth

I started having contractions at a Taylor Swift gig but danced through the pain to hold off giving birth
Jenn’s labour began an hour into the concert (Picture: SWNS)

In an extraordinary display of dedication, a pregnant Swiftie danced through labour pains to enjoy Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour concert.

Jenn Gutierrez, who was 38 weeks pregnant, travelled 412 miles across Australia to watch her favourite artist back in February.

The 31-year-old was joined by her husband Michael Sin, 31, and twin sister Dani on their trek from Canberra to Melbourne.

Back in November 2023, the trio had managed to secure £310 ($600 AUD) VIP tickets, and Jenn wasn’t about to let her pregnancy stop her from attending the concert.

‘We were doing the maths and didn’t think I’d be that pregnant initially,’ Jenn said. ‘But we realised we were cutting it close.’

Despite being two weeks off her due date, Jenn was cleared to fly six days before the show, but was even prepared to drive the eight-hour distance if necessary, as there was ‘no way’ she was going to miss the show.

Jenn Gutierrez during her pregnancy.
Jenn was two weeks away from her due date (Picture: Jenn Gutierrez/SWNS)

Jenn, who works as an executive assistant, felt the first contractions just an hour into the concert, during Taylor’s Reputation set.

Despite the discomfort, she kept dancing and singing along, determined to enjoy every moment.

Jenn recalled: ‘I thought, “I’m not going anywhere. If this baby comes, she’s coming out now”.’

Her sister Dani kept a close eye on her, and Michael monitored her heart rate using the Apple Watch Jenn had on.

Jenn Gutierrez and her twin sister Dani at the Taylor Swift concert in Melbourne.
She was cleared to fly across Australia with her twin, Dani, for the gig (Picture: Jenn Gutierrez/SWNS)

As the night progressed, the contractions intensified, with Jenn saying: ‘In the Midnights set, I thought, “OMG, I’m going to have this baby right now”.’

Hilariously, she worried that the fans behind her might think she wasn’t a true Swiftie because she kept sitting down, but she was doing her best to hold it together.

By the end of the gig, Jenn was struggling to stand, but managed to waddle out of the stadium and get a taxi back to her hotel.

‘Imagine standing for three hours with a bowling ball between your legs,’ she explained.

Jenn Gutierrez and her husband, Michael Sin
Her husband, Micheal, was on hand to support her once labour began (Picture: Jenn Gutierrez/SWNS)

The contractions eased and Jenn was able to calm down once she was back up at the hotel and sitting with her ‘legs up on the bed.’

But did she head to the hospital straight away? Absolutely not – the group actually flew back to Canberra the next morning.

Jenn joked at what she told the unborn baby after landing: “I said, “You can come,” as soon as we touched down.’

Jenn Gutierrez's baby girl.
Jenn had a healthy baby girl a few days later (Picture: Jenn Gutierrez/SWNS)

A few days later, Jenn gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing 7lbs 7oz – and the newborn’s first song was Taylor Swift’s Fearless, ensuring she started her life as an embedded Swiftie.

Jenn beams with pride as she shares this detail, marking the continuation of her and her twin sister’s lifelong fandom.

Reflecting on the experience, Jenn acknowledges how surreal the night was, recalling: ‘The contractions got progressively worse, but I was in such a euphoric state from the concert.’

Her commitment to enjoying the show despite the circumstances is a true testament to her love for Taylor Swift, and the lengths she was willing to go to see her favourite artist perform.

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