Calgary shifts to Stage 1 outdoor water restrictions, but mayor says there’s still work to be done

‘If all goes well, we may have news of all restrictions being lifted in the days to come,’ said Mayor Jyoti Gondek

Issues surrounding two intake pumps, one at the Bearspaw water treatment facility and one at the Glenmore facility, have been resolved, officials said late Tuesday afternoon.

“The issues Monday morning were to do with pumps that move water from the river to the plants and Bearspaw south feeder main, and an air handling issue at the Glenmore water treatment plant,” Thompson said.

“We completed maintenance on the pumps yesterday, and they’re both back in operation.”

City officials previously announced that two additional wire snaps were found on the feeder main, which was found to be incorrect.

“After further analysis our consultant was able to determine that the sounds were not actually wire snaps, but unrelated noise picked up by the acoustic monitors,” said Thompson.

The discovery means that the total wire snaps to date remains at five, instead of seven.

City could lift all restrictions soon ‘if all goes well’: mayor

“If all goes well, we may have news of all restrictions being lifted in the days to come,” said Mayor Jyoti Gondek.

The threshold for a decision on removing all restrictions is when the Bearspaw south feeder main is running at 75 per cent capacity; the pipe is currently running at 70 per cent.

On Wednesday plans are to turn on another pump to increase flow as monitoring continues on the pipe, said Thompson.

“We went through something that was massive — it was a catastrophic water feeder main break,” Gondek said. “To think that we are completely out of the woods right now is a little premature.

“We need to make sure that we turn on that third pump very carefully and cautiously.”

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