Opinion: Four tips on building a more sustainable wardrobe

“Fast fashion” is harming our planet. Before hitting the mall, consider how you can limit your carbon footprint.

With summer now fully upon us, you may be looking to refresh your wardrobe. The allure of a whole “new you” is pervasive and the foundation of many a successful marketing campaign.

Indeed, as we spend more time outdoors, you may need lighter summer clothing. However, before you run out to the mall, it is worth considering how you can sustainably add to your wardrobe while limiting its carbon footprint.

In the face of such serious concerns, how can anyone hope to shop sustainably? These four tips can help you build a more sustainable wardrobe.

1. Buy less, buy better

2. Repair, reuse and recycle

3. Prioritize natural fibres

4. Choose simple, timeless pieces

In today’s world of high-turnover fast fashion, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or despondent at the relative lack of sustainable options. However, it is possible to add to your wardrobe sustainably by questioning your needs and taking your time shopping for each piece to understand how and where it was made.

In time, you may even come to appreciate a smaller well-curated wardrobe of timeless pieces that you can wear for years, and not just a few weeks.

Maryse Côté-Hamel is an assistant professor of consumer sciences at Université Laval. This article is republished from The Conversation. 

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