Saskatoon man accused of child sex assaults guilty of 2020 assault

After his first of four trials, Eric Pohorecky, 64, was convicted of sexually touching an 11-year-old girl on three separate occasions.

The wife of a Saskatoon man accused of sexually touching an 11-year-old girl on three separate occasions in 2020 wept in a Saskatoon King’s Bench courtroom after he was found guilty of sexual assault and touching a child for a sexual purpose.

On Friday, Justice David Gereke said the Crown proved Eric Michael Pohorecky, 64, squeezed the girl’s buttocks while walking past her in his kitchen, reached under a blanket and touched her thigh while she was on his couch and slid his hand across her breasts after reaching over her lap to set down groceries while she was seated in his van.

The offences happened weeks apart between March 2020 and August 2020, when Pohorecky was 60 years old.

Some details about the relationship between the girl and Pohorecky are being withheld to comply with a publication ban on the girl’s identity.

The next month, he was charged with another count of sexual assault and sexual interference after further investigation.

One set of charges was stayed at the conclusion of his preliminary hearing last year. He is set to go to trial on the remaining three charges in October.

Crown prosecutor Ashley Fulton argued that his bail should be revoked until he is sentenced now that he’s been convicted and faces mandatory jail time. Defence lawyer Aleida Oberholzer said her client has complied with his release conditions and has demonstrated he is neither a threat nor a flight risk.

Gereke agreed to continue Pohorecky’s release until he is sentenced on Sept. 27.

He said he did not rely on a “pattern of behaviour” in reaching his conclusion about whether Pohorecky intentionally touched the girl for a sexual purpose — the essential elements required to prove sexual assault.

Instead, he said the Crown must prove each incident “without the Court drawing inferences from the other allegations.”

“Though plausible in most respects, his denials were neither compelling nor believable. His testimony convinced me of little that was not corroborated by photographs or other witnesses,” Gereke ruled.

Pointing to a photo of the kitchen, Pohorecky argued he could have accidentally touched the girl in such a confined space. Gereke said the photo shows there was enough room for him to pass someone standing at the counter without touching them.

Gereke also noted the girl recalled Pohorecky moving his arm and smiling at her before she felt a distinct squeeze.

“I do not expect that she would have nearly as clear a recollection if she truly perceived that the touch was accidental,” he wrote in his decision.

He found there’s no reason for a man to touch a young girl’s inner thigh under a blanket for 20 to 30 seconds than for a sexual purpose.

“She recalls the incident clearly. She testified to being uncomfortable and confused about why Eric would do that, and to not wanting to be touched that way,” Gereke noted.

The girl also testified about being uncomfortable after Pohorecky touched her breasts while he looked at her and talked about plans for that night. Gereke stated that even if the space was tight in the van, Pohorecky didn’t have to reach across the girl in order to put the groceries inside.

He said he found the girl’s evidence credible, reliable and compelling. He noted that she recalled several contextual details that were “fully corroborated” and even admitted that it was possible the touches were accidental.

“Her memory was good. She left little ambiguity about what happened, who was present and where events happened,” Gereke wrote, adding the girl also told police that she understood if she wasn’t truthful “it could literally ruin his life.”

“I believe her testimony,” Gereke concluded.

He stated that he did not draw any inferences about Pohorecky’s guilt based on testimony that he apologized to the girl after she noticed him staring at her chest after her bathing suit slipped down while they were at a pool.

The fact that she reported the assaults to police after her friend told her she had done the same does not make her any less believable, Gereke also found.

“She accepted that (her friend) making disclosures gave her ‘bravery’ to do the same herself. There is nothing inappropriate in that, and I accept (the girl’s) characterization of her decision-making.”

When examining the credibility and reliability of Crown and defence witnesses, judges must apply the W. (D). test. It requires judges to acquit an accused if they believe their testimony, or if it leaves them with reasonable doubt as to their guilt.

Judges are instructed to avoid conducting a “credibility contest” between witnesses, but case law states “the acceptance of the complainant’s testimony and other evidence that is inconsistent with an accused’s bare denial can provide a sufficient explanation for the rejection of the accused’s inconsistent evidence.”

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