Biden’s endorsement of Kamala: Letters to the Editor — July 24, 2024

The Issue: President Biden’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate.

I don’t think it makes much difference if they replace President Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris (“Dems playing Kam Of Thrones,” June 23).

Any candidate the DNC puts forward will just be a front for the same terrible policies we have been experiencing for the last 3 ¹/₂ years. The leadership of the party has no intention of closing the border, no matter how much tragedy that causes.

They have no intention of stopping the proxy wars, no matter how much destruction or death that it causes. They also do not have any intention of halting their climate-change policies.

Then there is rampant inflation, which they do not even acknowledge. They can keep changing the candidate, but they cannot change what they have inflicted on America.

Catherine Adago


For four years, during his glaring mental and physical decline, we were assured by the shills of Donkey Land that President Biden possessed intellect and vigor.

Then after a bad debate due to “jet lag” and a “cold,” “Beaker” Biden suddenly got dumped in the Muppet bin.

So I present to American voters: The queen of marijuana convictions, Ms. Southern-Border-Fixit and word-salad master chef — your favorite cackler and mine, 11th-hour potential Democratic presidential nominee Harris.

Scott Hammond

Boston, Mass.

President Biden has a long history of making bad decisions and has added another by throwing his support to Harris, whose only qualifications for the vice-presidency were being black and female.

Her time as VP has no achievements, but rather notably an abject failure as border czar. The mere fact Alex Soros — a progressive radical, whose backed causes have caused havoc in our cities — is one of her primary backers is enough reason for concern.

Seymour Srulowitz

Englewood, NJ

I find it interesting that Harris is now the leading candidate to replace President Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate.

Back when she was running for president in the 2020 Democratic primary, she never polled higher than about 11%. I thought then that she was little more than a balanced selection when chosen as VP by Biden because she is a black woman.

In light of her inept performance over the last four years, it will be even more interesting if she does achieve the candidacy.

Stephen Ryan


As the worst president since James Buchanan, Biden has now ceded his candidacy to Harris.

Owing to the failed Biden-Harris agenda, America continues to spin out of control. Our border remains open, and thanks to this, our country is vulnerable to continuous foreign invasion.

Henry Wilson

Washington, D.C.

Step one of the coup d’état against President Biden has been accomplished.

The next step will be to assert that Harris is the smartest woman in the history of the world, smarter than even Hillary Clinton and former First Lady Michelle Obama put together.

Likewise, any criticism of Harris will be labeled racist, sexist, white-supremacist hate speech.
The Democratic propaganda ministry will be completely on board. And they will tell any lie just to win.

Andrew MacDonald

Fanwood, NJ

Compared to an obviously failing, senile old man, Harris looks like a breath of fresh air.

But beware: That breeze is a strong wind blowing from due left, and presents Americans with a whole new set of problems.

Max Wisotsky

Highland Park, NJ

It appears pretty certain that Harris will be the Democratic nominee for president.

I wonder how soon the media honeymoon for Harris will begin, and how long it will last — all of the fawning about our first black woman president.

Who cares if she can do the job if she is a black woman, right?

Arthur Saginiam

Santa Clarita, Calif.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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